Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category

Obama Challenges Arizona Immigration Law

April 24, 2010

By Paul Davenport And Jonathan J. Cooper, Associated Press Writers

PHOENIX – Civil rights advocates vowed Saturday to challenge Arizona’s tough new law targeting illegal immigration, saying it will lead to racial profiling of Hispanics despite the governor’s assurance abuses won’t be tolerated.

Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill that supporters said would take handcuffs off police in dealing with illegal immigration in Arizona, the nation’s busiest gateway for human and drug smuggling from Mexico and home to an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants.

Read complete article here:  Advocates vow challenges to Ariz. immigration law - Yahoo! News.

Earlier Friday, President Barack Obama called the Arizona bill “misguided” and instructed the Justice Department to examine it to see if it’s legal. He also said the federal government must enact immigration reform at the national level — or leave the door open to “irresponsibility by others.”  

Now, Obama, made this statement (most likely her people spoke to his people, so he knew she was going to sign it) before Governor Brewer announced she was going to sign the bill into law, so that he could set the story up to go his way. 

In my opinion, President Obama instead of insulting, yet another, duly elected official in this country, who just so happens to disagree with him, should have said that “I’m going to check with the Justice Department and Home Land Security, since it is the Federal Governments job to make sure that AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE SAFE, and see why they have not taken care of this problem, of Hispanics coming into the USA illegally. 

That would have been the appropriate response, from my point of view, but then, who am I, but just another American citizen who is not happy with what is going on in DC?

 American laws were set up to protect Americans, and law-abiding citizens, but in the last 20 or so years, it seems that there purpose has been changed to protect criminals, illegals and terrorists trying to destroy  the USA.  I am tired of anything that is described as “Politically Correct”.   

I know, I’m not a Congressman, I’m not one of the 4% richest people in the country, and I surely am not some liberal Professor from Harvard.  Nope, I’m or shall I say I was a hard working American Citizen until I lost my job.  But I do know one thing, and that is if you want to talk about “Political Correctness” then we should start by discussing how it is that Congress is considered “Politically Correct” when they vote for bills that their constituents do not want. 

Maybe we should discuss what,  I would assume, Nancy Pelosi feels is “Politically Correct” when she refers to American Citizens as being Astro Turf or radicals because she doesn’t like them disagreeing with her, and because, as she puts it, she feels that she is a better judge of what we need than we are.

Or maybe we should talk about the fact that OUR PRESIDENT feels an obligation to continually apologize to the world for what he feels is bad behavior on the part of the American people.  Just how is his non-Presidential behavior, which he has been displaying almost daily, in one manner or another, gets  misinterpreted by the Liberal media, to be “Politically Correct”? 

I’m so tired of people complaining about Racial Profiling.  If you are looking for illegal Hispanics (Mexicans) then it stands to reason that you are not going to stop and question a Japanese citizen 99% of the time.  Yes, probably many legal Americans of Hispanic descent are going to be stopped and asked to prove American citizenship, and why, because they look Mexican.   Hey, the saying is If it looks like a Duck, Talks like a Duck, then it’s a Duck”. 

 Why should this be Racial profiling?  It would be considered, along with how he was dressed,  part of  the description of someone who  potentially committed a crime;  like sneaking into the United States of America.  Yes, folks, that’s still ILLEGAL!  And I’m tired of constantly being forced as an American to bend over backwards to satisfy the sensitivities of people who are, in this particular case, “Enemies of the State (USA)”.  Yes,  if you are here illegally,  it’s a CRIME!     ss

Glenn Beck vs American Idol

April 22, 2010

It’s no secret to anyone who reads my posts, that I watch the Glenn Beck show every afternoon.   I also watch  O’Rielly,  Hannity,  Megan and Shepard on Fox.  I do check out the news on the other Networks  and watch Anderson Cooper also.   Glenn Beck has mentioned a few times about the number of viewers he has had, on any given day.  Many times it has been close to 3 Million, which is high for any talk show on Cable. 

I like Glenn’s show because he always backs up what he is saying by showing clips of the person he is talking about saying or doing something he said they did.  He always proves his point, unlike the other Networks who basically promote the opinions of their host.  That’s fine if I want their opinion, but I feel I’m more than capable of coming up with my own, based on fact.

Now, last week, I was watching American Idol and of course the Host Ryan Seacrest   mentioned or shall I say yelled out to the audience that something like 34 Million people voted after the previous show, for their favorite singer.  I do have to say that that’s a lot of people watching a program that basically gives a singing contract away to the winner.  I don’t know what the age is of the majority of the viewers, but I would think many or even most may be teens too young to vote in Presidential elections. 

Though I’m sure that there are quite a few, of those 34 Million viewers, old enough to vote in the National elections.  So, why are these same viewers,  not at all interested in what is going on in America and the fact that they are the ones who will eventually have to deal with the results of all these new Socialist laws being passed by Congress?   Do they not know that their personal Freedom and Rights are being taken from them by a group of appointed (Socialist Czars), elected officials (Congress and the President) and other Elitists who are determined to take total control of America, away from the people? 

So, this got me thinking, 3 Million people watch Glenn Beck, the Political talk show host who is trying to let Americans know what is really going on in Washington DC, and inform them on how the United States Congress is basically destroying our country by eliminating much of our Freedom.  Glenn has spent a little over a year trying to teach the American public about the US Constitution and what it means and warn us about who is trying to destroy America’s way of life.  Though only 3 Million people are watching, give or take a few, that number has put him in the number one position a number of times for a Political Cable talk/news show.  But why doesn’t he have more viewers than that?

Could it be that Fox News hasn’t realized yet, that the Glenn Beck show should be on during prime time?  Right now, in the Eastern part of the US, his show is on at 5PM.  The people who have jobs are either still at work or just leaving to go home for the night and by the time they get home, maybe after running to the grocery store on the way, he’s off the air.  It seems to me, without knocking any of the other Fox hosts out of their time slots, they should move the Glenn Beck show to at least 7PM.  By then people are done eating and have time to watch him.   The 7PM time slot is closer to Prime time and he should be able to at least double the number of viewers for his show.  So, Fox, how about it, let’s move Glenn to a later time slot and see if I’m right?

An article I read today in the New York Times, gave  the ratings for some TV shows,  that made me do some thinking.   Well, let’s look at Nielsen’s TV estimate ratings for last Monday nights; reality show “Dancing With the Stars”, according to Nielsen’s estimates, had 20.8 Million viewers, the premiere of a new show called “Romantically Challenged” had 11.6 Million viewers, on CBS that night a new episode of “CSI: Miami” had 11.7 Million viewers, and “Castle” on ABC, and one of my favorite shows, had 10.5 Million viewers.  Fox came in third for the night with “House” having 10.6 Million viewers and “24” also, one of my favorite shows, with 8.9 Million viewers.  

It appears that Americans are more interested in reality TV, like “Dancing With the Stars” and/or “American Idol”, “Survivor”, and the live shows like “What Not to Wear” (should include the clothes coming in from China, with the European look for women), then there’s “Hoarders” and the Cooking shows, etc., etc., etc., than in the actual survival of Freedom in their country. 

Yet, only 3 Million or less are watching one of the more  important Reality shows in the country which is the Glenn Beck Show.  Okay, I know it probably wouldn’t be considered a Reality show, but since the White House, and most of the other Networks (mostly liberal, left) are contributing to the bashing of Fox News and the Glenn Beck show, on a daily basis and trying to get Becks  show off the air, in every way possible, I will put it in the Reality category.  

Let’s see here:  Glenn Beck= 3,000,000 viewers,  American Idol= 34,000,000 viewers.  

So, what’s wrong with the over-all picture here?  It’s a little scary when more Americans are interested in who the next singing sensation will be, or what celebrity is the best dancer, instead of what the next American leader is going to be; an elected President of the Free world, or maybe a Communist Dictator or how about a Socialist Leader?  

For the last maybe 15 or 20 years I’ve heard on numerous occasions how the powers that be have been dumbing down America.  Well, all I can say is, “They have succeeded”.  Duh!    ss

President Clinton “Taxation By Representation”, No Way!

April 20, 2010


Last week I watched portions of a speech that President Clinton gave in honor of the 15-year anniversary of the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing. 

During his speech he spoke about the Tea Party movement, and in my opinion, he implied that the Tea Party people didn’t know or really understand what they, themselves, were standing for.

He said, that the Tea Party people compared themselves to the Original Boston Tea Party, in 1773, when the Colonists threw bags of Tea into the Boston Harbor, to show that they did not want “taxation without representation”. 

Clinton went on to say that the complaint of the Tea Party people was not the same because today (Americans) have duly elected officials who represent the people, so we have “taxation with representation”.  He also said if we do not like the laws our elected officials pass we can replace them every two years in the next election. 

Well, President Clinton, is right to a point.  Our officials in Congress, are elected officials but that’s as far as it goes.  They do not nor have not represented the People.  In fact they have consistently done what they wanted to do, and have ridiculed, insulted, and called their constituents radicals, domestic terrorists, and now they are pushing the “racist” card. 

To explain away their actions of not doing what their constituents have wanted them to do they have claimed that we aren’t smart enough to understand what is going on in our country.  Congress claims that they are smarter than we are, and they will do what is best for us (and all the time they exempt themselves from the laws that they are passing in “OUR BEST INTEREST”.  

No, President Clinton, this time you are wrong.  We do not have “Taxation by Representation” as you say.  In order for that to be true Congress would have had to not pass the HealthCare Bill, because the majority of Americans did not want  the Bill that was on the table.

 I have always enjoyed listening to President Clinton speak, because I have admired his ability to answer any question put to him and respond in detail.  He always has an answer, and can adlib an entire speech if he has had to, without any problem.  He is a smart man.  He has always been able to explain things where the people could understand what he was talking about and more importantly he had the ability to change our minds to his point of view if he needed to.  The voters trusted him. 

I don’t know what has happened to President Clinton, but he has changed, he no longer speaks the same language as the rest of us. 

 So, President Clinton spoke in partial truths.  Yes, we have elected officials, so in Legalize it IS considered “Taxation by Representation”.   He said that “Words have Consequences” and he knows what he is talking about.

How does the old saying go?  “Fool me once, Shame on you, Fool me twice,  Shame on me.”  

Not again, President Clinton, I know what IS means this time around.  And in the real world,  it IS Not  “Taxation by Representation” when Congress IS only representing itself and not the people.   ss

The Ant and The Grasshopper

April 20, 2010

Two Different Versions…Two Different Morals 


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and storing food supplies for the winter. 

The grasshopper thinks the ant is  foolish for working so hard;  and laughs, dances  and plays the whole summer long..

 Winter comes and the ant is warm, has a shelter and has lots of food to eat.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he  dies outside in the cold.

MORAL OF THE  STORY:  Be repsonsible and take care of yourself.


 The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house and storing food supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a foolish for working so hard and laughs, dances and plays  the whole summer long.

 Winter comes, and the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.

 CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper, next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

 America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

 How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

 Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green…’

 ACORN stages a demonstration in front of the ant’s house where the News Stations film the group singing, “We shall overcome.”  Then Rev. Jeremiah Wright has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper’s  sake.  

 President Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper’s plight. 

Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.

 The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper.

 The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant’s food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant’s old house, crumbles around them because the grasshopper hasn’t maintained it.

 The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.   

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now,  abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackled, once prosperous and once peaceful, neighborhood.

 The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world down with it.


Be careful how you vote in 2010.

National Security (TSA) At It’s Best!

April 16, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, I had my birthday.  I didn’t realize until maybe a week later when a bank teller told me that my Driver’s License had expired that I needed to apply for a new one.  I told him I thought it was good until next year, but that I would go over to the Secretary of State office when I left there so I could renew it.  Not only did I need the License renewed for driving purposes but I was about to go visit a relative, in Tennessee and I needed the License for ID at the Airport.  Now, I had made my reservations quite some time before and didn’t want to be stopped going through Security at the airport and not be allowed to board the plane just because my License had expired.  We just had a terrorist arrested at Christmas time at Detroit Metro Airport so I new they would be extra alert while passengers went thru Security and I didn’t want to be stopped and go through a pat down and what ever else they do to you.

I went home first picked up a bill that had been mailed to me to prove I lived where I said I lived, and that along with my expired License (with my picture on it) and my new Michigan Voters Registration card and my Original Birth Certificate I thought should be enough ID to prove who I was, and then I drove to the Secretary of States office. 

 The main Secretary of State office was closed due to the fact that all their computers were down, and so they sent us to another office.  When I arrived at the second office, there were lots of people in line but I decided to stay.  There was a woman going around one by one to each person in line trying to help speed things up by asking them what they needed and making sure they had all the documents needed to have their request processed.  When she came to me she asked if I had another piece of ID with a picture on it.  I said, “No”.   She then told me that my expired License, Voters Registration and copy of a Bill sent to my address was not enough and that I needed another piece of ID, like a Bank statement.  I showed her my checkbook and my Debit card but she said, that I needed the actual Bank Statement. 

So, I remembered that on the way in I saw a branch of my Bank across the street so I went out, drove my car across the street, it was too busy to walk across, and of course I lost my parking spot right in front of the Social Security office.  It was late and I wanted to get my Drivers License, and so I had to hurry. 

The girl at the bank, a Loan officer was standing there in the Lobby talking to other employees (the bank wasn’t busy) and asked me if she could help me as soon as I walked in.  I told her what I needed and she said it would be no problem; she just needed my Drivers License for identification purposes.  So, I explained that it was an out-of-state License that had expired, and that I was trying to get it replaced across the street at the Secretary of State office.  It seemed to be enough ID for her.  She did ask the maiden name of my mother to be sure though.  She made me a copy of my statement and I was on my way back to the Secretary of State office.

When I arrived back at the Secretary of State office, the woman who had been checking everyone’s ID earlier yelled out that this Big guy with the black leather jacket on, was the last person they could take care of today because they were ready to close.  Now, he was standing right in front of me. After all the running around I did, I was not going to be turned away, so when a woman being waited on right next to where I was standing in line was finished and walked away, I quickly went up to the girl behind the counter and told her, pointing across the room to the lady who sent me out for my bank statement, that I had already been waiting there and should actually be ahead of everyone in line. 

She of course went over to the woman and asked her if she had sent me to get my Bank Statement, and the lady took one look at me and said “yes” and told her to wait on me.

So, I took out my out-of-state Drivers License, my Bank Statement, my Phone bill, my Voters Registration and my Original Birth Certificate, which was quite battered after all these years.  The girl looked over everything, then picked up my Birth Certificate and very seriously looked at me and said, “This is not the Original Birth Certificate, this is a Souvenir”.  I looked at her and said, “This is my Original Birth Certificate, as you can see it’s quite old, actually as old as I am.  It’s the one the hospital in Detroit, gave my mother when I was born”.  She laughed and said, “This is a Souvenir”.  At this point, I was getting a little peeved.  I told her, “If anything is a Souvenir, I am, and this is an Original Birth Certificate”.  I continued, “It states the hospital I was born in, the city, Detroit, both parents names, the Doctors name, and it has my baby foot prints on it, and this is definitely the Original Birth Certificate, issued on the day I was born.  I have used this my entire life as my Birth Certificate, for everything I have ever needed”.  She said, ”We can’t except it, it’s really just a Souvenir.  Would you like to speak to the office manager”?   I said, “Yes”. 

He and I went through the same routine that she and I went through.  He said, “Since 911, all Birth Certificates needed to have a special number on them and mine did not have one”.  I told him, that no one has ever questioned the fact that this was not an Original, and then I told him that Obama’s did not have the name of his Doctor, the Hospital, nor did it have his baby foot prints on it, which to me would be more authentic than a State Seal that anyone could get their hands on and stamp the Seal imprint on a Birth Certificate.  Well, there was no use arguing with them, it was apparent that they had no common sense nor could they possibly “think” for themselves.  So I picked up my documents and asked where I could get a Birth Certificate.  I asked if I could still get one in downtown Detroit, and she said no, that I would have to write to Lansing and get it.  I asked how long that would take and she said about 3 weeks.  I’m thinking, how is Lansing going to know if I’m whom I say I am if I’m sending in a request in the mail?  So, on the way out the door I’m thinking, now how am I going to get through Security at Detroit Metro Airport?

I called the airlines when I got home that afternoon and told them that I had an expired License and didn’t have enough time to get a new one.  The girl assured me that it would be no problem, that all I needed to do was bring more ID with me, like my Voters Registration Card, Charge card, a Bill mailed to my home, and my Birth Certificate (they would take the Original copy I had).  She said people often have expired Licenses and that Security may take a little extra time with me but I would be allowed to fly.

Well, I did what she said, and would you believe after all my worrying, the Security at the Airport didn’t even look at the expired date on my License and passed me right through.  I of course, was pleased, but then got to thinking, no wonder these terrorists get on the planes.    The story doesn’t end here.

On my way home from Tennessee, Security at the Nashville Airport caught the expired License and asked me if I had any other ID with my picture on it.  I said, “No”.  The lady then asked if I had any other ID, I showed her my phone Bill, but that had my Michigan address on it, and my License had my out-of-state address on it.  So, I showed her my Michigan Voters Registration card and she said, “That isn’t signed”.  I said “I can sign it right now”.  She said, “Do you have any other ID, like an ATM card”?  Now, at this point this all became a sort of game to me, and I was holding back showing her my Original (Souvenir) Birth Certificate, and instead showed her the ATM card she asked to see.  Though it has my name on it, it doesn’t have a picture of me, nor my address, so I didn’t see the point.  She said, “Okay, you can go through”.  Now, I have to tell you, that this ATM card was drawn on a bank that over 4 years ago was bought out by another very large bank.  I liked my ATM card and the bank allowed me to continue using it, though they did issue me a new card with their bank name on it (I had that one with me too, but showed her the old one). 

So, bottom-line, the TSA, Airport Security in Nashville let me onto the plane by okaying my expired Drivers License, a Voters Registration card that wasn’t signed and an ATM card drawn on a bank that hasn’t existed for over 4 years. 

Now, I ask you, does it really make sense that no one wanted to accept my Original Birth Certificate which was the real deal,  proved I was an American citizen,  in addition to being a document that I have used for 50 years, without a problem?    Duh!

Can “We The People” Take Back America?

April 14, 2010


In case you didn’t know, Congress does not collect Social Security, nor does it pay into it.  No, Congress set up their own retirement payout many years ago.  Basically when they retire they continue getting paid their salary until they die.

Now, I,  like the rest of the working class Americans who retire, get a Social Security payment based on some mathematical calculation.  This monthly pittance can be any amount of money based on what you have ultimately paid into Social Security.  Most of us will get anywhere from a few hundred dollars a month to a couple of thousand dollars a month, with the average being somewhere around $1000 per month. 

I don’t know about you but I have worked my butt off to earn a livable retirement.  For those who do not have any savings, or pension, or 401K, Social Security may be all they will have to survive on when they retire.

I don’t think that Congress has earned their monthly salaries while they are on the job, much less a lifetime of paychecks for doing nothing after they retire.  Congress has been elected to represent their constituents and work on their behalf, but let’s face it, they haven’t, and especially, this term.  This past year is evidence of what they consider to be their responsibility for earning their paychecks.  It has been to spend more money than the country has available to spend and what they haven’t printed they have borrowed from China, you know, the country that all our jobs went to. 

Of course, they have passed laws that their constituents have repeatedly told them not to vote for.  It has been my real world experience that when one’s Boss tells an employee to do or not do something they are expected to listen and do what they are told.  Yet, this Congress has decided that they no longer need to listen to us.  This is a very big mistake, on their part; one, which I hope, will be corrected in the Mid-term election if not before. 

Change can only happen when people get involved and more than ever we need people to get involved stand up for their rights afforded to them by the Constitution, and to throw anyone out of office that does not follow the law of the Land.  

Can we change the under-handed Political activities going on in DC and throughout America right now?  Can we make it clear to our elected officials that they work for us and not the other way around?  Can we really take back control of America from this Criminal element that is running amok throughout the halls of Congress?  Can “We The People” turn this country around before it’s too late?  

To put it in terms that sound quite familiar and that everyone will understand, “Yes We Can”!

David and Goliath (Glenn Beck vs The White House)

April 9, 2010

So, the powers that be want to silence Glenn Beck.  This reminds me of a story I was told when I was a child, I hope you enjoy it.  I think it fits right in with the events of today.

Long ago, the Philistines and the Israelites were ready to go to war with one another.  The army of Philistines had their camp on one mountaintop and the Israelites army was camped on a mountaintop across from the Philistines.   Below the two camps was a Valley.  

The Israelites were called God’s chosen people.  But the Philistines had a secret weapon, a giant of a man, 9 feet tall, called Goliath.  He was so enormous in size, wearing heavy armor,  covering his legs, and chest that fear ran thru the hearts of anyone who saw him.   Goliath, the warrior was an awesome site to behold causing  fear throughout  the Israelite camp.  King Saul, King of the Israelites, and his army were afraid that they could not overtake this fearsome warrior and so they were afraid to attack the Philistines. 

Every morning Goliath would stand on the mountainside by the Philistines camp and yell out  taunts at the Israelites.  He would call them names trying to get them to attack.  Trying to get them to come down the mountain and into the valley where they would surely be slaughtered, because the Philistines would have the advantage of being above them and able to overtake them.  This taunting by Goliath went on for 40 days and nights.

Now, there was a man, Jesse, a father who had sons in King Saul’s Army.  He wanted to know how the battle was going and so he sent his youngest son, David, to the Israelite camp with food for his older sons, and to bring him home news on how the battle was going.

When David arrived at King Saul’s Camp, he heard Goliath yelling out, calling the Israelites names, and daring them to come down into the Valley and fight him.   David could not believe the fear he saw in the eyes of the Israelite Army.  He spoke with his brothers and asked, “Who is this Philistine that he challenges God’s Army”?

David then went to King Saul and told him “Tell your army not to be afraid any longer, I will fight Goliath”.   King Saul told David that he could not fight this giant of a man.  He said Goliath was an experienced soldier, a great warrior and David was just a boy.

But David stood his ground.  He told King Saul how he, while watching his father’s sheep, had fought a Bear and a Lion on two different occassions as they attacked the flock, and how he killed them both with just his slingshot.  He told King Saul that God protected him then,  and that he would surely protect him now.

The King decided to let David fight Goliath, but only if he wore some armor for protection.   But David declined and said he could not move well with the heavy armor on. 

So, David started walking down into the Valley, and when Goliath saw this, he too started down the mountainside and into the Valley.

When Goliath reached the bottom and saw that David was only a boy, with no armor, and just a slingshot in his hand, he became very angry.  He told David he would kill him and feed him to the animals.

David told Goliath that even though Goliath came to fight him carrying a sword and shield, and dressed in armor, that he came with the blessing of the Lord and the Lord would protect him.  Goliath was furious.

David ran toward Goliath, and with his slingshot in one hand reached into his robe and brought out a single stone, and swung his slingshot over his head and let the stone fly, hitting Goliath in the forehead, killing him instantly.   The sound of Goliath hitting the ground shook even the mountains.   The Philistines, seeing that David killed their Great Warrior, ran from the Israelites in fear.

I have told this story for one reason, which is the Boycott of Glenn Beck and his Radio and TV shows.  It seems that the far left have decided Glenn Beck is causing the Democrats in Congress and the White House too much trouble, because he has been pointing out the un-American tactics like Bribery, Payoffs, Threats, Arm twisting, and broken promises to the American people, that they are using to get their Bills passed in Congress.

Glenn Beck has talked about the 30 + unvetted, Marxists, Socialist and Communist Czars that Obama has chosen to surround himself with, in the White House.  Our President has taken on a Socialist agenda and is in the process of fundamentally transforming America.    He has taken over the Auto Industry, the Banking industry, the Health Care industry, the Student Loan industry, and is in the process of controlling the Educational program, the Farming industry, and overhauling the Immigration laws, and he has even taken control of the Census Bureau by moving it into the White House, and as of todayhe has fundamentally changed our National Security Policy.   All these changes are to level the playing field in America,  by redistributing the wealth and changing America from a Free country to a Federal  Government controlled Socialist country.

Obama’s, for the lack of a better term, Enforcers, also serving dual rolls as his Advisors have decided to go after ONE   PRIVATE  AMERICAN CITIZEN, by trying to destroy his means of earning a living and destroying his reputation and most importantly taking away his Constitutional Right to Freedom of Speech and the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. 

Now, I ask you, has anyone ever seen a sitting American President go after a Private Citizen with the intention of destroying him? 

I would think that with all the problems we have in this country that even the Czars, which I do not approve of, would be focusing their attention on something more important than One American Citizen.  Unless, of course, this One American Citizen, Glenn Beck, is saying all the right things and letting Americans know the real truth about what is going on in Washington DC. 

Then I would say that the reason the Obama White House has started this Boycott and encouraged Corporate America to also join them, by pulling their advertising from the Glenn Beck shows, is because they are AFRAID that Americans might just learn the truth about what lengths the Left will go to in order to get what they want, which is POWER.  POWER to control every aspect of every AMERICAN’S LIFE, the POWER to control the Country. 

 This group who are evidently very AFRAID of the Truth that GLENN BECK speaks of, have secured promises to not run ads on GLENN BECKS shows, from numerous Sponsors and Companies, such as Wal-Mart (who buys close to 70% of its products from American companies who have out-sourced their manufacturing to China), and Sprint which has also out-sourced American jobs to China.  Then there is Bank of America who has also contributed to the unemployment of Americans by out-sourcing much of it’s client service to India, and other foreign countries, Bell & Howell who out-sourced American jobs to China, and General Mills who has out-sourced 75% of it’s engineering.  These are just some of the companies that have joined the Boycott of the Glenn Beck shows.    Others include Direct TV, Regions Financial Corp., Travelers Insurance, Vonage and there are more.

 I just have one question to ask any unemployed American, “Do you really patronize these companies that have contributed to the enormous amount of unemployment in America,  and the elimination of our manufacturing industry, by out-sourcing American jobs to China and other foreign countries, for the sake  of Greed on their part?   Do you actually buy their products, knowing you and your neighbors have lost jobs, possibly your homes, and maybe forced into bankruptcy, because these companies did not care about the American worker?  Do you actually care if you do not see one of their ads on the Glenn Beck show

Fear is a peculiar thing, if you have it, you own it, and it’s hard to fight it.  Obama is beginning to find that out.  It has been apparent right from the beginning that Obama can not tolerate personal criticism and he with his band of enforcers will go to any lengths to destroy those who disagree with anything he says or does.  He is evidently  very insecure.

Glenn Beck always ends his TV show with a friendly reminder, “Do Not Be Afraid” to speak up.  Glenn has proven he is not afraid to tell the truth.   If it were not for Glenn Beck many Americans would not understand what has been going on in America, the past few years.  He has taken the place of a teacher by giving us the facts.  He  wants Americans to be able to make educated decisions on what to expect from our Government.  He wants us to understand the concept, the values and ideals which make up the very  foundation of our  Democracy, and how  the Founding Fathers put them in place for us to build upon,  and what our elected officials are now doing, behind closed doors,  to destroy it.   It is important that we know the truth.  Do Not Be Afraid!

I, for one, will not buy any product from any company that is trying to promote the destruction of ONE  PRIVATE  AMERICAN CITIZEN, or put him, Glenn Beck out of business, to satisfy their LUST for POWER

I believe it is time for Americans to Fight Back and BOYCOTT THESE COMPANIES  who think they have the right to gang up on and destroy any American who chooses to exert their Right to Freedom of Speech.  We need to Boycott the Companies who have systematically helped destroy America’s Economy.

This White House Origination of the Glenn Beck shows Boycott is just an example of what lies ahead for any American who chooses to speak up or disagree with those in power if they are not stopped,  now.   Be very careful because this can happen to you.

 Think carefully America, before you ignore this warning sign, this disgraceful display of mob-like enforcement by elected officials who think they answer to no one.

Amnesty for Illegals, To Protect American Jobs? I don’t Think So!

April 4, 2010

“Democratic Senator Charles Schumer and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, are  drafting an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws. They gave Obama an update on attempts to lay out a path to win bipartisan support for the measure.  Schumer, of New York, and Graham, of South Carolina, are working on a measure that would create a guest-worker program, tighten border security and resolve the status of the estimated 12 million immigrants in the country illegally. They also want the nation to adopt more secure Social Security cards to block undocumented immigrants from getting jobs”.

Now, Obama wants to do a complete overhaul of U.S. Immigration Laws!  Sen. Charles Schumer (D) and Sen. Lindsey Graham  (R )   presented their overhaul version of a bill to the country two weeks ago. 

So, what do I think?

I guess I would have more respect for Congress if they would only do the job that the American people sent them there to do. The idea of a  “new” Immigration Bill that Schumer and Graham have been working on is a good example of what I’m talking about.  We already have laws on the books regarding Immigration, it should be very evident to anyone who can read a newspaper, hear the sound on a radio or TV, or see what is on Cable News or the Internet, that these laws have not been enforced for quite sometime.

When these laws were originally put on the books (Iwas very young then) there was a quota set up for each country, and only so many people per year could come into the US legally, from these countries.  There were other stipulations they had to follow also, before they were approved for entry into the USA and able to apply for citizenship. 

So, what happened?  I’m tired of these Congressmen just picking and choosing what it is that they want to overhaul, totally disregarding the fact that it doesn’t matter what they do.   If no one enforces the laws already on the books, does anyone really think that re-writing them will do any good or change things?  Does anyone think that all of a sudden and magically the new laws will be enforced?   

Why has no one ever investigated, or even brought up in the News Media, after 911 and after we started a War in Iraq, and were scouring the World looking for Osama Bin Laden,  raising the level of alerts on a daily basis (at first) and worried about secret cells entering the US and spending a Billion dollars a month on the Iraq War,  and suffering the loss of American soldiers lives, that we didn’t think that closing up that southern border, was important or relevant?  Why didn’t we not only put up a Wall but have soldiers stationed along it to stop all illegals from entering the US? 

I guess our government thought the terrorists were not smart enough to even think about coming into the USA illegally, over the US/Mexican border.   

These new laws will not be worth the paper they are written on and for a couple of reasons: 

1) Congress doesn’t even read the bills before they vote on them, so they wouldn’t  know  what laws need to be enforced.

2) Even when Congress reads the bills no one follows up after the law is passed to see if the law is being enforced.  So, bottom line,  because the laws are not enforced then companies will still hire Illegals for less money than they would pay Americans or legal immigrants and there will be more Illegals crossing that border and taking what is left of any jobs from Americans.   

Let’s face it; we need to build a wall along the border just to slow the Illegals down and unless I’m mistaken, there was, maybe 2 year or 3 years ago (actually I believe it was under Bush) a Bill passed for I think, $700+  Million dollars to build that wall.  I know part of the wall was built, whether or not that money was used for that, I don’t know.  I want to know if it was, if its all used up, or if they never funded the project, and if not, why?  

Our Home Land Security, instead of completing the wall (which would constitute changing the purpose of the funding that Congress voted for building that wall) along the southern border to keep Illegals out, decided that putting up camera’s which,  might I add, cost a lot of money, would actually stop the Illegals from coming across the border.  I wonder if Home Land Security has the authority to change the purpose of the funding? 

In reality, it did nothing to stop the Illegals from crossing into the US, but it has allowed us to watch on Cable New, stories about  the  Illegals, seen  on video,  filmed using  Night Vision lenses, sneaking into our country in the dead of night.  It is more like watching a Reality TV show than doing what it was supposed to do,  which is keeping our country safe and secure . 

Now, they want to use drones to watch the Illegals cross the border, maybe using the drones gives the News Media better reception, (this is sarcasm here, in case you didn’t guess it). For a country that needs jobs for its citizens, I’m amazed at how many programs our out-of-touch Congress and Administration come up with that actually put people, Americans,  out of work.   Cameras along the Border means less Border Patrol Officers to basically patrol the border.  Instead, camera’s  need maybe one guy to watch the Illegals cross the border on  multiple  computer screens and  when he sees something suspicious he calls some Border Patrol car to go and check it out. 

The fact that the car may be 20 miles or more away from where the Illegals are crossing doesn’t even enter the minds of the idiots that come up with these ideas.   By the time the Border Patrol gets to the destination where the Illegals were seen crossing, the Illegals are long gone, and probably sitting in some restaurant,  at some truck stop in Arizona,  eating breakfast.  I mean really these camera’s were probably a no-bid payoff  to some big Congressional campaign contributor. 

How do camera’s stop Illegals from entering the country?  Simple, they don’t!   So, where is the common sense?  I would say that an 8 year old could  come  up with the right solution here to correct the situation, like a WALL?  After we build a wall, we need some kind of equipment (and I know we have it) to scan the ground along the border in order to find the tunnels that the drug lords have dug out, so they can bring Illegal Drugs and Illegal Immigrants into the US, and destroy them.

It’s all about “POWER”, and the more you have the more you want.  And it’s about  “MONEY” and how it buys you that Power.  The more Money you have the more people you can buy to do your bidding, for the Drug Lords, Money buys them drug dealers, drug runners and people who will dig underground tunnels and it will pay for the Mexican law enforcement to look the other way.  As for Congress,  Money buys  votes, just ask any crooked Congressman (there are a few in Congress).   It buys  Votes to put people in office who will then do the bidding of their benefactors and thus enable them to have more Power.  It will buy Votes to pass bills giving the campaign donor, possibly a no-bid contract, etc., etc.  I know you get the idea.  Bottom-line,  it’ always about Money and Power.  

So, this new revamping of the Immigration Laws, is in my opinion, being targeted as the next BIG Bill we need to pass,  for a couple of reasons: 

1)     Congress and the White House said that no Illegals would be covered by the Health Care Bill.  Give the (they say 12 Million), I say close to 20 Million Illegals, Amnesty and they can get Health Care coverage (isn’t that what Congress wanted all along ?) and then we won’t be covering Illegals, will we?  Then comes the chance for them to vote.  This is just a guess, but I would say that the majority of the Illegals are Mexican, Catholic, uneducated (easily swayed by a smooth telepromter reader) more likely than not, when allowed to vote, will vote Democratic, (The party that keeps on giving and giving,  everything away for free to the poor and/or unproductive and uneducated). 

2)    This will put at least 20 Million more people above the 30 Million people the Democrats say will already be covered by the Health Care Bill onto the roster.  Well, 20 Million  more people, create the demand for more service and products  from  the Pharma’s, Hospitals, Medical Equipment Companies, and a need for more Medical workers on the payroll (just remember these new Medical jobs will be at the lower end of the pay scale, you know the jobs that entail cleaning up other people messes).  Do realize since this new group of Illegals given Amnesty,  will also increase the amount of money we well need to pay for the Health Care Program (Oh no, they told us $1.6 Trillion would be enough)  more than the original $1.6 Trillion, and additional taxes and more money will be taken away from Medicare and Medicaid (the Congressional plan all along)  until they are completely eliminated.   Also, remember that before the Health Care Bill vote,  53% of the Medical Practitioners (MD’s)  said they would quit if the Bill passed, because they didn’t make enough money before the Bill as it is, but if the Bill passed and the government gets their hands on running everything they would make much less.  So with less Doctors we will have rationed Health Care, just like the Tea Party people have been saying, and the Democrats have been lying about.  Come on America, even a 5th grader can follow this line of thinking here. 

3)    So, will these new citizens be working and paying taxes?  Well, they won’t be making more than $250,000, and remember Obama said people making less than $250,000 will not pay additional taxes.   Or will these people be sending that extra cash back to Mexico,  to older family members ( Well, at least there will be lot’s of stimulus money for the Mexican economy)?  And then on our side of the border all these Amnesty recipients can take advantage of government handouts in the USA (free health care, food stamps, Hud  housing and free education etc.)?  Isn’t that what America is all about, give, give give?

4)   Oh, and remember that we moved the Census Bureau into the White House this year so Obama and his Czars can make sure that the Amnesty Program (Whoops!  I mean Census Program) does what it was intended to do, which is to make sure that all those new Americans will be properly represented in Congress thru changes made in the voting districts which will truly benefit the Democrats (you remember,  the Party that keeps on giving)?

Well, Gee, I think I know why Schumer, Graham and the White House want to overhaul Immigration.  It certainly isn’t some BS about how they want to create and protect more jobs for Americans.  And this new National ID?  Do you really think this will be used to make sure Illegals aren’t given jobs by American companys or is it just another way for our Government to keep track of what Americans do on a daily basis?  You know what I’m talking about, “Big Brother”.  Inquiring minds want to know.

The End Justifies the Means!

March 23, 2010


“We meet at one of those defining moments – a moment when our nation is at war, our economy is in turmoil, and the American promise has been threatened once more”.  Barak Obama, August 28, 2008

Today, I am sad.   I find it hard to believe that our Congress (though right now I am disowning them) using any means possible, some of which I personally would think are illegal (I’m not an attorney) but to me, bribery, pay-offs, like job offers, money, special dispensations for certain states, inclusions for some, exclusions for others, in order for a House Member to vote “yes” to pass the Health Care Bill, borders on being Criminal.  

The fact that Obama twisted House Members arms and basically told them to take one for the team, if they had to and he would give them a job in the White House if the lost their seats in the mid-term election is incomprehensible.   All this was done not for the American people, like Congress claims, because the American people didn’t want it, but it was done to preserve Obama’s Legacy.  Wow!  If ever there were modern day traitors in DC these guys would belong in the club.

I would like to see changes in Health Care, but not at a cost of $1.6 Trillion dollars, not now when we owe China so much money that they basically own our country.  Not now when manufacturing in our country has just about dried up and along with it all the manufacturing jobs.   Not now, when jobs are really more important than even Health Care.

 I know some will disagree, but please take a moment to think.  If you don’t have a job, you cannot afford to pay for Health Care no matter how little it costs (the price of monthly premiums will go up, not down).  And if you cannot afford to pay for Health Care then the IRS will find you and fine you.  Now, if you don’t have the money for Health Care and you can’t pay your fine then it’s supposed to be “off to jail” where you will receive, food, shelter and “ah, yes” free Health Care.  None of this makes sense.  We need jobs, which is what the Congress should have been working on for the last 1½ years.   Instead they have passed a Health Care Bill that the American people Congress claims to be helping, cannot afford to obey.   What’s wrong with this picture?      ss