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A Mosque At Ground Zero Is Not Politically Correct!

May 24, 2010


I thought I would add another post on the subject of “Politically Correct” which just the mention of those words absolutely infuriates me.  This one will not be politically correct, and is just this American’s opinion.

I feel that our government officials have no pride in their country any longer.  Mayor Bloomberg in NY should have stopped the building of this mammoth Mosque project at Ground Zero. 

Now, it was evident to me, when Bush decided to go to war in Iraq, even though the majority of the actual terrorists on 911 were from Saudi Arabia (I believe there were 16 from Saudi Arabia) that Americans in general did not understand the thinking process of the Islamic world.

Believe it or not the average Muslim does understand the radical Islamic thinking and of course most do not all agree with it, but they do know about it, they understand it, it’s part of their old country mentality, and its part of their culture.    So, let me say this, and this is my own point- of- view that I, too  understand their way of thinking.

The Islamic radicals, Al Queda, and the Taliban all understand one another.  These people take revenge on those who they feel are their enemy.   To them the infidels (the Western World) the Christians are their enemy, and believe me when I say, there is nothing we can do about that.    They will hate you until you die and even into the after life.   

That being said, does anyone actually think that the group,  putting up the money, and  buying the property with the intention of building a Mosque chose this land because it was the only land left in NY big enough for their purposes?

Does anyone actually believe that Mayor Bloomberg could not have stopped this project?  Well he didn’t stop it because he is for it.  What a guy!

Does anyone believe (and I hope it’s not Donald Trump, because I do like the guy) that it did not cross the minds of the people selling this property that no American would like this particular transaction?  So, I would think that one hell of a lot of money must have changed hands here.

Allowing this building to go up is almost sacrilegious.

If anyone in this country thinks that this location for the Mosque, was not chosen purposely by this group, no matter what the American Society for Muslim Advancement   (the people who are putting this Mosque up) says, then they are very naive.  If these same people were so concerned about getting along with the Western World and Americans in particular, as they claim is the purpose of this grand Mosque, then I would have thought that there would have been such an outcry from the Arab community in this country, after 911, and after the  attempts to blow up planes over American soil, that it would have been heard like a bell ringing, around the world.  

But no, this location of this Mosque is their way of sticking it to us, for everything they believe Americans, the infidels,  have done wrong over the years, including having Israel as an ally, which also includes the war in Iraq and the Afghan war, as the most recent activities America has been involved in  etc., etc., etc.

The reason for this Mosque to be built in this location is so that we always remember the enemy, who killed so many people on American soil.  So, every time some American goes to pay his respects at Ground Zero he can look up and see the 13 story Mosque over shadowing him and Ground Zero, as a reminder of how vulernable we really are.  

By the way, these radical thinking Muslims, many of who went to college  in our country, also know that Americans are superstitious and therefore the building will have  “13” floors, which symbolizes bad luck, basically they are telling us that we were unlucky on 911 and  we are unlucky now,  because they bought the land near Ground Zero and are putting up a Mosque to remind us on a daily basis, especially during the call in Arabic over the outside loud speakers for daily prayers. 

Now,  to top it off,  the Mosque is scheduled to open on September 11, 2011.   I really don’t agree with the moderate Muslims who say that a Mosque at Ground Zero will allow them to improve interfaith understanding.   They could have tried to improve interfaith understanding anytime in the last 8 years, and especially right after 911 but during the months after 911 these people were  noticeably silent. 

These people are not stupid, they know exactly what they are doing.  It matters not, who is putting up the money or the building.  To the radical Islamist it only matters that it is being built at this location.  It will be said, by the extremist Islamists that this is “Allah’s” will.   The moderate Muslims know that this is true, but will not admit this to us.

We on the other hand have forgotten to stand united for what we believe in.  Our leaders, dishonor those who died on 911, by allowing this Mosque to be built on this site, but this is nothing new, they have been dishonoring the American people for sometime now, and will continue to do so, unless they are stopped.

Do you really need any other evidence that there are  radical Islamic thinking people living right in America, who live and breath revenge? 

Homeland Security should investigate this group.  Even if they are American citizens, they have another agenda, which has nothing to do with bringing Muslims, Christians, and Americans together (as they claim)  so that they will learn to better understand one another.  Please, if anyone believes this then I have some beachfront property on the Louisiana Gulf that I would like to sell you.  It’s beautiful and the white sandy beaches are to die for, at least for another week or so.

Now, tell me, at what point do Americans, and our President say to this group, the American Society for Muslim Advancement that building this mammoth Mosque near Ground Zero, is not  “Politically Correct” and therefore,  No Can Do?   ss

“Politically Correct”, According to Who?

May 24, 2010

Just who are the “Political Correct” Police?  How did they get that job and what are their qualifications?  I want to know, who I have to look out for when I give an opinion. 

I want to know just when do the words “Politically Correct” apply to how Americans feel about a subject?  I made a comment on a friends blog a few days ago, and decided to run the post on my blog.  I feel that strongly about the subject,  so here it is.  

I’m so tired of the words “Politically Correct” that I actually wonder what moron first came up with this phrase. That being said, when does “Politically Correct” apply to what is right or wrong for the normal everyday American or just America in general?

Anyone with, oh, let’s say, the IQ of a 5th grader would tell us that building a Mosque, and one this grand in size, near Ground Zero, is not “Politically Correct” for Americans.

Well, I decided to look up the words “Politically Correct” to see if it actually applies to this situation. A couple of definitions I really liked. In reality, there seems to be many definitions for the phrase, and the words “Politically Correct” go way back in history, but they seemed to have popped up again, back in the 80’s in our country and have been used more and more, as a tool to discredit or fight back against anything and everything one person or group doesn’t like about those in another group.

When arguing, it seem’s once someone accuses another of being “Politically Incorrect” the argument sort of comes to a halt or at least “slows up” somewhat, so everyone can concentrate on whether or not something is “Politically Correct”. What a waist of words and time this phrase really is.

Someone wrote their personal version of this fable on the internet.   I chose to use the original version from Aesop’s Fables as an example of the definition of the words “Politically Correct”.

A Man and his son were once going with their Donkey to market. As they were walking along by its side a countryman passed them and said: “You fools, what is a Donkey for but to ride upon?”

So the Man put the son on the Donkey and they went on their way. But soon they passed a group of men, one of whom said: “See that lazy youngster, he lets his father walk while he rides.”

So the Man ordered his son to get off, and got on himself. But they hadn’t gone far when they passed two women, one of whom said to the other: “Shame on that lazy lout to let his poor little son trudge along.”

Well, the Man didn’t know what to do, but at last he took his son up before him on the Donkey. By this time they had come to the town, and the passers-by began to jeer and point at them. The Man stopped and asked what they were scoffing at. The men said: “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for overloading that poor donkey of yours with you and your hulking son?”

The Man and his son got off and tried to think of what to do. They thought and they thought, till at last they cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to it, and raised the pole and the donkey to their shoulders.

They went along amid the laughter of all who met them till they came to Market Bridge, when the Donkey, getting one of his feet loose, kicked out and caused the Boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle the Donkey fell over the bridge, and his forefeet being tied together he was drowned.

“That will teach you,” said an old man who had followed them:

“Please all, and you will please none.”

I think this says it all!     ss

If You Cross The Border Illegally, You Get:

May 18, 2010

I found  some of this information on the internet and thought I would add to it and pass it on to you.  ss









   3.   WELFARE

What’s wrong with this picture?

I guess I still don’t understand… we need to VOTE OUR LAWMAKERS OUT…….. !!!!

Invite your friends,  WORKING or RETIRED  and  all  AMERICAN Citizens to read this post…  For the Future of Our SOCIAL SECURITY, HEALTH CARE and Our COUNTRY… !!!!!!   ss

Democracy Begins With The Power of the Ballot

May 17, 2010

“And let it be said that we are the party of open, honest government that doesn’t peddle the agenda of whichever lobbyist or special interest can write the biggest check. The party who believes that in this democracy, influence and access should begin and end with the power of the ballot”.  Barak Obama, August 28, 2008

 With the passage of the Health Care Bill and the underhanded, manipulative and as far as I’m concerned,  illegal way this Bill was forced upon Americans, I can see why so many are truly angry.  I’m just an ordinary American.  I’m not famous or rich(far from it), but I have had a good education, and have had successes and failures in life.  I do have common sense though, and for the life of me, I can not understand why so many people don’t.  Maybe people don’t  have common sense because they didn’t have proper family guidance growing up, or maybe because they didn’t have a religious upbringing, or maybe it’s because they didn’t get a good education.  For whatever reason, it appears that ”common sense” is not as common,  now days, in the USA.  What we do have is an abundance of betrayal, bribary, cheating, lies, manipulation, threats and retaliation by our elected officials, directed at the American people and aiming at the heart of our Constitution, the foundation of our Republic, and it appears to be taking place on World Wide Cable News. 

As Americans we don’t want to be made fools of, so many try not to acknowledge what is taking place, hoping that if they ignore it, it will certainly go away.  Well, folks “it ain’t gonna happen”, it’s here and it’s here to stay until we defeat it by fighting back.  Others say “let’s give him a chance” referring to Obama (like  he hasn’t had enough time)?  Maybe if he got off the campaign trail and actually acted Presidential instead of like a Community Organizer, America would feel like someone was actually in charge in Washington. 

But to our dismay we have been led down a trail of back room, in the dead of night, unethical, and  in my mind, illegal deals putting the Health Care Bill into Law, by any and all means possible, even though the majority of the American public polled was against the Health Care Bill as it was written.  It has always amazed me at what point a person could be bought.  It seems though the price tag is above and beyond the price of money, and power, the price of Freedom is too high a price to pay, and Congress never had the right to sell what was not  theirs to sell,

So, to say that the Democratic Party is the Party of “Open, Honest” government is just another lie by a group of elected elitiests who have completely ignored their duty to God and Country for fame, money and power.  How were they able to accomplish this? By Americans lack of involvement, until it was too late, to stop them. 

The Tea Party people, though they have accomplished more than I believe anyone thought they would, and they have much more work to do, if they are to succeed in the end.  Success for them involves taking back their country from the grasp of the czars, (30 +) radical buddies of Obama’s and it entails removing a President from office whose agenda has always been to replace  our Democracy with Socialism.   More interested in hearing himself talk, by constantly campaigning, he has betrayed the people he was elected to represent, by not listening to what they have to say.

Now, he has encouraged the poor, uneducated, unemployed and those who have illegally entered this country to ban together and protest the legality of the new Arizona Immigration Law, by misrepresenting what it says.   We now have protests and marches all over the country against Arizona and it’s citizens.  Obama seems to forget that the residents of Arizona are part of the USA also. 

He is not protecting the citizens of Arizona from drug dealers, murderers, and kidnappers, by closing the border.  He’s made no attempt to recitfy the situation by continuing to build the wall which already had funds in place to pay for it.  He has said nothing to the people who are marching asking them to go home and wait for him to work something out with Arizona, like enforcing the Federal Law already on the books.  He has done nothing to stop what may well turn into riots during the hot months of this summer, when the unemployed full of dispair, become restless.

Today, the Obama administrations Michael Posner, Assistant Secretary of State, in a meeting with the Chinese, brought up the problem of illegal Immigration in Arizona, and the new Arizona Immigration Law.  Actually apologizing for America’s Human Rights failures as though China is on equal footing with the US on this issue.   What can this guy be thinking?  Just where has the “common sense” gone??? 

I believe a good education, where one is taught how to analyze the facts before making a descision  is imperative in possessing common sense.  By law most Americans have had an opportunity to get a good education.  Sure, some have not had it as good as others, but the basics have been taught in, I would think, all American public schools.  Students have been taught  that one plus one equals two.  It’s a fact.  We have been taught to look at the facts and come up with the proper solution. One plus one is always and will always be two.  

So, why, is it that this ability to add the facts up properly doesn’t extend to other problems in life?  It certainly should.  It’s at that point, when we aren’t talking about math that a problem and how to add up the facts and come up with the same answers, or the right or common sense answers gets slightly confusing.  Why is that?  Could it be because so many other factors enter into the picture?  For instance if the facts include lies, then how can you add them up and come up with the right answer or the same answer that someone else comes up with?

In the real world we have people coming from all sorts of backgrounds, educational opportunities, life styles, and upbringing, which all enters into how we look at the same facts but come up with different answers.  When lies, or false-hoods become a factor, when people cheat, or hide the truth, or when they don’t follow the rules or break the law then you can not expect to come up with a common sense answer to any problem which presents itself, much less agree on with others, what the answer is and common sense “will” bear that out.

I know this may sound confusing, but bear with me here.  Politicians have a way of either speaking the truth as it is, or speaking “a” truth as to how they want those listening to them, perceive it to be.  Politicians have gotten so good at spinning the truth that no one can actually tell what the “truth” is any longer.  This is where common sense “Must” come in, if we are to survive. 

It is up to each American to take the time, to read about the problems we as a Nation face.  Each of us, by any and all means, which includes TV, Radio, Papers, Speeches, Tea Party Rallies, or by whatever means are available, “Must” gather all the facts about what is going on in our country and then make a common sense decision as to what action needs to be taken and how we must move forward.  I have tried to do this and have come up with facts that I deem to be true which have helped me make some “Common Sense” decisions as to my part in reacting to the “Change” in America, which has been forced upon us by our elected officials in Washington DC.  

It’s not a pretty picture, I must say.  History tells me that it’s my “Duty” to participate and to come up with my interpretation of the facts, based on common sense.  It is my responsibility to decide for myself what is going on in DC and how it will affect my fellow Americans and me, and then I can act on this decision appropriately. 

So, it up to everyone to get involved, we cannot leave it up to the present elected officials in DC, to correct the wrongs that have been done, because they are the culprits.

We need new and honest representatives in Washington, men of character (not characters), men of honor to lead the American people out of the darkness and into the light once more.  We can do this starting with the primaries and work our way up the ladder to the mid-term elections. 

As our President said, The party who believes that in this democracy, influence and access should begin and end with the power of the ballot”.  Barak Obama, August 28, 2008

 Finally he and I can agree on something.  ss

7th Grade Isaiah Johnson, Gets Beaten by His Teacher

May 14, 2010

 I just don’t know how to stop the insanity in this country.  The news is getting more and more unbelievable day by day.  Bad news about the schools just keeps on getting worse.

For instance, yesterday I saw a report about some teacher (who by the way did not have a teaching degree, it seems you only need some type of certificate) in a charter school, somewhere in the USA, beat the hell out of Isaiah Johnson,  a 7th grade boy in her classroom, while students and other teachers looked on.  Now, you would think that one of the other teachers would have stepped in to stop this woman, but “No”, evidently, they did not want to get involved. 

If you saw the stance this female teacher took before she started beating this kid (she was slightly bent over, but she had her arms and hands out, at the side of her body, almost like you would stand if you were playing around and were imitating a ape (It was later reported by the boy that the teacher did in fact bang on her chest just like an ape would do).  There was a student desk in front of her and she picked it up and threw it behind her.  If I hadn’t known better, this looked like a fight scene you would see on some weekly TV action, program like NYPD.  She then cornered this boy, and started beating him across the face and head, got him down on the floor and kept beating him.  

All the while someone was filming this on his or her cell phone.   This boy never once hit, or kicked her, but tried to protect his face and head with his hands and arms.  I was disgusted, and as much as I hate violence, if I had been there, well let’s just say this would not have continued after the first swing by her.

Now, it’s a little vague, because of the lousy reporting that gets done in this country, but as I understand it they didn’t say if this boy was sent to the principles office, or was sent home, after this event.  It sounded like he stayed in school for the rest of the day, and then went home.  

No one from the principles office called his mother about the situation, or called to ask her to come in or pick him up.  It was a nonevent as far as the school was concerned.  So, does this mean things like this happens all the time there and no one ever filmed this kind of thing before, therefore parents were not told that this was going on?  Or was this a one-time event?  I really feel that this teacher must have done things like this before.  You would have had to see this video clip to get what I mean here.

So, the boy goes home after school, and asks his mother “is it okay for teachers to beat kids up”?  Evidently he then told her what happened.  The mother called the school, and basically they blew her off, saying that they would check into it.  She kept her son out of school on Friday. 

But over the weekend someone showed the mother what her son went thru by giving her the video of the incident, that was filmed on a cell phone.  Monday morning the mother went into the school and asked what happened, and they said that they had camera’s in the class room and they will check it out and get back to her in a couple of hours.  Well, two or three hours later they called the mother and told her the cameras in the classroom did not catch the incident. Right!   They did ask her to come in and discuss the matter though.  I wonder if she had already told them that she had a video of the incident.  It sounded like she hadn’t told them this earlier, because if she had, there would have been no reason for them to have to check the cameras in the classroom.   I think the cell phone video  would have given them a good enough picture of what went on, and to assure them that they were going to get sued. 

What kind of school is this charter school?  Why didn’t the principle notify the mother right after the incident?  Maybe the principle was never told, and if not, why not?  If this kid was so bad why wasn’t he sent to the Principles office, and why wasn’t his mother called to take him home? Why wasn’t he put in detention?  Why didn’t the cameras in the classroom catch this incident on film?  Why did they not call this mother or tell her when she called on Friday to come in that day?   Why didn’t they apologize?  Why didn’t the teachers who saw the incident step in and stop this teacher from beating this boy?

Why, Why, Why was nothing done until the school found out that there was a video of the entire incident?    Is this the type of security this school system provides for their students?  I believe this teacher, the Principle, and the other teachers that observed the incident and did nothing should all be fired.  I also, feel, that the mother should sue the charter school, including filing criminal charges against the teacher and the other teachers who stood there and did nothing. 

As an American and a parent, I want to know what the hell is going on in our schools?  ss

Will Obama, Step Up And Secure the Borders?

May 13, 2010

I have been watching Cable news for the last few days and am quite upset with what is going on in response to the new Arizona Immigration law.   Obama preempted Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s scheduled press conference last week, where she was going to announce her decision to sign the new Immigration bill into law.  In his speech, at a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the military, Obama made the following statement about the Governors decision to sign the Immigration bill, “Our failure to act responsible at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatens to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe”. 

I cannot tell you how upset this President has made me.  Then I think who am I, that he should even care what I think?  My answer, to myself, surprised even me.

I’m a Patriotic American citizen, President Obama is supposed to “REPRESENT” me.  He is supposed to “PROTECT” me, as an American citizen.  He is supposed to be “HONEST” with me.  He is supposed to “LEAD” the American people.  He is supposed to be “PROUD” to be the Commander and Chief.  But what has he done?

He is more interested in “DIVIDING” than he is in “UNITING”.

Obama has been more interested in “REPRESENTING FORIEGNORS” than the people he was elected to represent.  He is more concerned with “PROTECTING” the rights of Illegals, than he is at protecting the LIVES of Americans.  He is more interested in “LEADING” the Global community than in Leading Americans according to the Constitution.  He is more “PROUD” of being Black than he is at being part Black and part White, a fact that he could have used to Unite Americans.  He seems to have forgotten that he is both Black and White.

His thinking is Racist, yet he constantly accuses others,  “Whites” of being racist.  He is more interested in driving a wedge between Blacks and Whites than he is in bringing the Country together.  Consider Martin Luther King, Jrs. words  I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. 

Yet, Obama has, with his comments about the new Arizona Immigration Law, deliberately misled all those who believe in him as a leader.  He has divided the American people.  He has convinced them that the new Immigration Law is Racist, that it involves racial profiling, even though, it plainly states in the Law that no racial profiling will be tolerated, it is prohibited.

He completely avoids mentioning that the new Immigration Law in Arizona was passed to help protect Arizona residents, Hispanic and White, from drug dealers on killing sprees, and from Kidnappings that have been in so many numbers that Arizona is second in the World, only behind Mexico City as the Kidnapping Capitol. 

He has refused to do anything to help these people,  American citizens, White, Black and Hispanic, who are legally here, by continuing to build the Wall, which was started a while back, to help keep the majority of Illegals out of the country.   He refuses to secure the Borders.  Foreignors do not belong here unless they come in legally.  It’s the Law and Obama has no interest in enforcing the Law.   Now, why is that? 

Why would the President of the United States of America not give a damn about protecting the American people?  Maybe some news media person might consider asking that question, that’s if there are any left who actually care about reporting “NEWS”.

Obama has, because he knows that he has the “power of words”,  used those words, to encourage  those, many who are Illegal (and as far as I’m concerned, do not have the right)  to march and protest in our country.  He has welcomed their misconception of what is a right of an American citizen, and what, if any, are the rights of visitors to our country, much less what is the right, IF ANY, of an Illegal alien, in our country. 

I can assure you that Illegals DO NOT have the right to demand that America changes it’s Laws to satisfy their wants and needs. 

No President, no Czar, no Congressman, no Illegal, and no misguided American, can tell me that it is “Illegal” for me to demand, as an American citizen, that the Law of the Country, my country, be enforced and “NOW,”  and if I know anything, I know this;  that it is “My” right to speak out.   ss

This Week in Government Failure

May 10, 2010

If you have  time check this site out.  I found some of the articles on it quite enlightening.  I thought you might like to also read them.  ss

This Week in Government Failure

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Why Is Detroit, Michgian 80% Black?

May 4, 2010

I read a question on line today and decided to write about it tonight.  The person writing the question asked “Why Is Detroit, Michigan 80% Black?  Then went on to say, that she thought it was because of Racism.  I did not agree so I chose to answer her question.

Yes, Detroit is black, but it’s not because of racism, it’s because when the industry moved out, the whites moved north, following the corporations that located in the northern areas of Detroit, like Southfield, then Troy and Sterling Heights.  The blacks chose to stay, many because they didn’t have the money to move, or already had a job and stayed to keep it, maybe to only to lose it later.  New industry came to town, like the Casinos, but not enough jobs with it. But racism, I don’t agree.  Just because Detroit is mostly black doesn’t mean it’s because of racism. It’s because they chose to stay when most others left. 

People who think alike, many times, come together and live in a certain location, city, neighborhood, it’s their comfort zone.  America has a long history of immigrants that came to this country and often they moved into the ethnic sections of a particular state, or city, or neighborhood, representing their culture, language, and religious beliefs and based many times on weather, or geography, like what they were used to in the old country, and sometimes it was because of the type of businesses in the area, similar to their interests.  The problem, (now, this is my own opinion) is with cultures and ethnic backgrounds and how they interact with others of different ethnic, or cultural backgrounds. The problem is a lack of education and interaction.

 As an example, Arabs are and always were considered merchants (groceries, tailors, today many are gas station owners) the Jews were more intellectual and were teachers, accountants, lawyers, doctors, and the Irish were farmers, when they came to America, these are the fields they prospered in back in the old country, so they continued in these fields here.  Many of these groups started communities on the Eastern coast and they became small cities with schools and churches revolving around their particular culture. 

In Dearborn, Michigan and the surrounding area there is the largest concentration of Arabs outside of the Middle East and certainly not because of racism.  It initially started because of the Rouge Plant and Henry Ford looking for more workers.  Today, the Arabs have a thriving community, they have businesses, and their children go to school.  One thing I can say for them is that they do make an effort to get an education.

 Everywhere Arabs go in this country they know that Dearborn is the Mecca here in the USA for them.  For the Arabs, Dearborn would be a place where they could go and live (comfort zone) in a strange new country and feel like they belong.

But it is still not because of racism.

They came to Dearborn because it was America the land of the Free, and because they could get jobs there, they came in droves.  They have stayed and made a new life for themselves.  They made the effort.  The Arabs came to America because it was their idea to come here for a new beginning, a job and Freedom.

Now, we have the blacks, whom were brought here as slaves, mostly in the south and lived on plantations, and though many men were involved with planting and harvesting, and learned farming techniques, and many women and girls did cooking and housekeeping there was one thing that was lacking, in there day to day routine and that was an education.  Many plantation owners forbid them to be taught how to read.  It took a very long time in this country even after they were freed for blacks to get a proper education and even today they are still fighting to get a top-notch education.

The difference between the Arabs and the Blacks who came to America, is that the Arabs chose to come here.  The Blacks were at a disadvantage from day one, because they were forced to come here.  So, where the Arabs had their lives in their new country all planned out, the Blacks were slaves, at someone else’s beck and call.  They had no plans, nothing to look forward to because they were forced to come here.  

It seems that they were always kept down.   And when the blacks saw no hope for themselves, many turned to selling drugs, or other illegal activities and actually made good money.  Others feeling that the government owed them because they didn’t do enough to help them, decided hand outs were the answer and they could get along with, Hud housing, food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, so why would they need to work?  This has been I feel the worst example of how to live in America that any parent could possibly hand down to their children, because it has continued on and on and on with no light at the end of the tunnel for the parents or their children.

These handouts from the Government have made many blacks think that there was no reason to get a good education because the Government would take care of them. Some would continue to try, work hard and get an education, then be held back in the workforce.  It all comes down to what Society thinks and what they expect from you, no matter what your race, ethnic background, or age is. 

It is hard to rise and shine on a personal level when you have society working against you.  Many years ago Society worked against the blacks, purposely.  In the last 40 years or so, society has tried to make up for their lack of effort in promoting education for the blacks, and have passed laws to enforce equal educational opportunities for all Americans, black, white, Chinese, Hispanics, but it appears that many of the blacks have given up. 

It takes an individual with a lot of drive, energy, motivation and guts to break out of a box devised by a system that expects you to be so-so, or one way when you aspire to be great, or another way.   It also takes a few generations of blacks who are educated to promote a positive self-worth belief, an energetic, goal oriented attitude in their young, in order for them to be able to break out of the downward spiral their lives are heading in, to enable them to look upward and climb to new heights, in their lives.

Sadly, the conditions now in this country are near the bottom or beginning for many blacks and they need to start again from square one.  Only now it will be even harder, because of the economic conditions in America there is no money to invest in structuring an educational program whereby the blacks can catch up.  Every time we turn around Congress, or State Legislatures are taking money from the Education fund to pay for their pork barrel projects.  

For the time being the Government is offering college and training for some of those who are unemployed but it’ only in certain fields and it might not last much longer. 

The Government is going forward with more handouts to a group of people who actually believe that now, they will be able to afford the things they always wanted, but couldn’t afford before and that somehow the Government will pay for it.  Well, this will not happen.  Again, the establishment is fooling them, because now, we have the Hispanics coming into the country, and when they are given amnesty they will not be the lowest on the totem pole.  The blacks will remain there.  There will be more Hispanics in America than blacks.  They also have and will have the jobs, minimum wage, maybe, but it will be the jobs that the unemployed blacks and whites would have had initially just because they were Americans. 

So, it is up to the black people to change their way of thinking and as hard as that might be, I can only tell you from experience, that you should never allow anyone else to keep you down.  You should never give up on being whatever it is you want to be.  You need to take some responsibility, much of the responsibility of educating yourself, by reading as much as you can, about everything that interests you.  Read books about the field or job you want to go into.

Read books about famous inventors like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, or Einstein.  Read books on American History, The Founders who wrote the Constitution, and about the Civil War, and stories like Huckleberry Finn and Sam Houston.  

Study math, science, and probably one of the most important things you can do to give yourself a boost is to learn another language and 3 of the most important languages to learn are Arabic, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese along with learning English. Any one of these three languages as a second language, could open many doors for you when you graduate from high school and/or hopefully college.  

There is nothing more important than a good education to get you where you want to go.  Nothing more self-satisfying than having a head full of knowledge that is there at the drop of a hat when you need to use it.

 The world is changing; don’t believe false promises from anyone.  Do it yourself.  You can learn a lot from books, movies on the History channel, even movies at the show.  Learning can be fun, especially if you make it into a game where you can be the winner.

 I’m sorry this was so long, but I truly feel that a child can take his education into his own hands as long as he is given some encouragement from his parents and/or caregivers, and/or teachers.  You are never too young or too old to learn, but it will always be up to you to start the process and keep it going, until you get to where it is,  that you want to be.

Arizona’s New Immigration Law, Good or Bad?

May 1, 2010

I have been thinking about the new Immigration Law in Arizona and how people are reacting to it.  It’s not pretty.

You may have heard the saying, which is often, used in movies, where one of the characters will say to another, “I’ll have my people call your people”.  Well I think that is just what happened last Friday, April 24, 2010.  I think Obama’s people called the Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer’s people to find out whether or not she was going to announce the signing of the new Arizona Immigration Bill.  We can pretty much guess what they were told, because just hours before Governor Brewer’s scheduled News Conference, when she was to announce her decision, President Obama made a preemptive move.  He announced his displeasure with the Governor. 

At a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the military, Obama made the following statement about the Governors decision to sign the Immigration bill, “Our failure to act responsible at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatens to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe”. 

 In my opinion, he as well as admitted that the Federal Government has not done it’s job to protect the citizens of this country and the citizens of Arizona in particular, something that I, as an American, find very irresponsible on the Governments behalf.  Still he calls the Arizona Governor irresponsible.  I don’t think that Governor Brewer has acted irresponsible at all.  She is doing what she has been elected to do, and is paid to do, and that is to protect the citizens of Arizona.  You would think that after 911, the Southern border would be locked up.   

Obama has ignored the fact that Phoenix, Arizona has become the 2nd worst city in the world for Kidnappings.  Yes, that’s right 2nd worst in the World and it has become America’s Kidnapping capital.  Yet he neglected to bring this to the attention of the Americans he was speaking to when he chose to blame Governor Brewer for doing her job, and implying that this Bill she signed into Law was a racist, law, when all she’s doing is trying to stop crime in her state. 

Obama said he instructed the Justice Department to examine the civil rights and other implications” of the new law.  This statement really angered me.  Mr. Obama should have said, “I have asked the Justice Department to look into why the Federal Immigration Laws already on the books have not been enforced”.  He should have told them to start enforcing them immediately, to keep Americans safe from the Illegals who are climbing walls, digging tunnels, transporting drugs or just coming to American to take our jobs.

For the President of the United States to say that the Governor of Arizona is threatening, “to undermine a basic notion of fairness that we cherish as Americans” is ridiculous when he and Congress are more concerned with being fair to Illegal Immigrants, who entered this country illegally than to the citizens who pay their salaries.

We have Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Home Land Security, when asked by Congressman Lindsey Graham the other day, if the Arizona/Mexican border was secure now, replying with, “that’s an unfair question”.  My God, what planet did she come from?  Does this woman even know what her job consists of? 

We have Al Sharpton, saying he’s bringing in outsiders to march in Arizona,  for the Civil Rights of the Immigrants, and Americans of Hispanic descent.  I ask myself, “Why are these people making a genuine effort to divide the people of this country, instead of leading them to a place where they can work together?

I know I’m just an ordinary, Patriotic American, who loves the Freedom she has, and thank God, I’m still allowed to think for myself, because I really see something wrong with this picture, and can’t believe that anyone who looks at what is going on, with an open mind, doesn’t see it too.  

Obama gave as an example on how the law will work, saying; if parents of Hispanic descent decided to take their child out for an ice cream they could be stopped and asked to show their American ID (citizenship papers) and this would be a direct result of Racial profiling.

As I understand the law, people cannot be stopped and asked to prove American citizenship unless there is a suspicion that they have committed a crime, or they get caught in the act, like robbing a store, or stealing a car, or committing any number of crimes.  By the way, when anyone in this country is suspected of committing a crime or has just run a red light, they are stopped and asked for their ID, so this is nothing new.  The law, and the Governor specifically stated that there is to be no racial profiling.

 Let’s say someone of Hispanic descent came to this country through legal channels, applied for citizenship and became a citizen.  He may have had to wait for years before he was allowed to come to the USA, he may have had to do a number of things to be eligible to become a citizen of the USA.  He is more likely than not, happy he is here.  He is now an American citizen.  He should be glad that he lives in a state where the Governor is taking his safety seriously.   His safety and security is now one of the privileges he has as an American Citizen of Hispanic descent.

He should also be directing his anger not towards Governor Brewer but towards those illegals that come into our (his country now, too) everyday.  It is because of them that he may be asked to show his Citizenship papers.   It is because the Illegals committed a CRIME, by coming into the USA, illegally, he may someday be asked to show his proof of citizenship.  It is still a Crime to enter the USA illegally, and it’s time he realizes that the laws are to protect him tooIt’s time for him to act like an American.

Mr. Sharpton if he had any common sense at all, should, if he really wants and needs the press coverage, bring his people to DC and march there.  Why you ask?  Because the Federal Immigration Laws are already on the books, but have not been enforced.  If the Congress or the White House had enforced them, there would have been no need to pass the Arizona Bill.  If Al Sharpton is interested in justice, and not just getting his name and picture on the news, then he needs to go to DC to march on the Capital.

So, here’s the deal, as I see it.  The Arizona Immigration Bill was signed into Law because the Federal Government, again, is not doing its job.  President  Obama readily admits that the Feds have been irresponsible in not doing anything about the Laws already on the books, and he intends to continue down that path.  He down played the seriousness of the situation, (the Kidnapping Capitol of America) but, he has, with carefully chosen words, made race an issue where it was not.  He has started, what I believe will be a long hot summer, filled with Protests and Civil Rights marches.  

All week long I have thought about what he has said and done about this new Law, and all I can think of is Protests and Civil Rights marches, will be used as his new reason to coerce Congress into writing a new Immigration Bill and then pass it fast.  They won’t need to read it, but just vote for it (as usual), before the mid-term election.   And if things get out of hand this summer, well then Obama can impose Marshall Law, with the New National Police force that I have heard about.   Is there one?  I don’t know.  But I have heard about one.  I guess we will have to wait and see.

No one can ever say Americans are a dull people.  Stupid, maybe, but dull?  Definitely not! 

Well these are my thoughts on the subject, but, hey, who am I, but just an ordinary still, free, American.  ss

Teenage Boy Passes Driving Test

April 26, 2010

It seems everything I read is of a serious nature, so I thought I would put this in as my post tonight.  I recieved this in an email today and thought any parent out there who has a 16 year old getting a drivers license would appreciate the story.  Here it goes.

A Teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car.

 His father said he’d make a deal with his son:  

You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, studyyour Bible a little, and get your hair cut.  Then we’ll talk about the car.

The boy thought about that for a moment, and decided he’d settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.

After about six weeks his father said, “Son, you’ve brought your grades up and I’ve observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I’m disappointed that you haven’t had your hair cut.”

 The boy said, “You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that, and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair and there’s even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair. 

You’re going to love the Dad’s reply:

The Dad replied:

Did you also notice that they all walked everywhere they went?     ss