National Protests by Obama Union Backers

This Nationwide protesting by the Unions and thugs backed by leftist, Political organizations is just the beginning and to be honest it’s one hell of a beginning.  As soon as Spring hits us and then Summer, look out.  I have been saying for the last year that this coming Summer is going to be a hot one.   I truly believe we will have major protests and possibly riots.

Then, especially if it’s a very hot Summer we could end up with things being so bad that the Big “O” will send in the new National Police force to implement Marshall Law. 

Sadly, the Tea Party and the Conservative Right, have hibernated for the Winter, and not done much, if anything.  I guess they think because they won the election the game was over.   It’s not that simple.  The game, and it is a game, to the Elitists in DC, they have a never-ending hunger for more Power and Money, and they will never be satisfied, no matter how much they have.

I don’t see any of them spreading their wealth.  That task is left for Middle America to do.  For the life of me I just don’t understand why Americans still don’t get it.  I know some of them do, but it’s not enough.  They all need to pay attention and the sad fact is that those who don’t pay attention don’t have the time because they are too busy trying to survive or stay afloat a little longer.  They just don’t realize why they aren’t getting anywhere.  It is almost to the point that those who are unemployed are so deep in debt that they will never be able to get out. 

Patriotic Americans need to Wake Up and Stand Up for their Constitutional rights.   It’s amazing to me how the leftist media and the Congress are for arming the rebels in Libya, because they stood up in a peaceful manner to get Qaddafi out of office, yet they call the Tea Party People who have stood up for their rights as Americans, racists, radicals, domestic terrorists and Nancy Pelosi’s favorite, astro-turf.  What hypocrites they truly are.   ss

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2 Comments on “National Protests by Obama Union Backers”

  1. Snappy where are you? I hope you aren’t ill or having some other crisis. BB

  2. Snappy, the Tea Party local groups did sit back and give those elected in November a chance to get things done in Washington and all over the country. Now however they are starting to mobilize again. (go to the Tea Party sites and check out the number of local groups are meeting again).

    I think watching the thugs in Wisconsin and Ohio and elsewhere have gotten them going. We the People are so disgusted with Washington both Republicans and Democrats. I too see a long hot summer and blood in the streets. The thugs will start it but the people will end it.

    Also the market is going to crash. I am sure of it. BB

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