I think the Poolside 2014 Cadillac ELR ad is terrific.  I see it as a response to Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Charles Shumers (D-NY) ridiculous comments trying to cover-up the colossal failure of Obamacare, which resulted in the loss of full-time, well-paid jobs and the lowering of the full-time work week from 40 hours per week to 35 hours.  This Healthcare abomination has resulted in the creation of minimum wage, full-time, temporary jobs and Nancy is promoting this as a good thing, claiming that now these under achievers, and under paid workers can relax, follow their dreams and let the Government take over in supporting them.  Of course, what Nancy, Harry (Reid) and Charles don’t tell you is that along with that government support, that they claim is a good thing, they are also passing Bills that will allow the government to regulate what you eat, drink, and soon what activities you must participate in if you want to be supported and receive government paid for and less than optimal Healthcare.  

Most foreigners come to America to follow their dreams, but those dreams don’t include sitting on their duffs all day and painting a picture or playing the guitar Ms. Pelosi.  People come here, to the land of opportunity, where they have the Freedom to compete, in the work place, where the best of the best, rise to the top, and by doing so, they develop a good work ethic, sense of self-worth, satisfaction for putting in a good days work and pride in themselves, knowing they can pursue their dreams, whatever they may be, but on their own terms, with money they have earned and with pride because they too are a part of the American  exceptionalism that Patriotic, true Americans have always had.  For those who do not believe in American exceptionalism, well, all I can say is, WOW!  Evidently, there’s a sucker born every minute.  ss


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