Archive for the ‘Obama’ category

National Protests by Obama Union Backers

March 9, 2011

This Nationwide protesting by the Unions and thugs backed by leftist, Political organizations is just the beginning and to be honest it’s one hell of a beginning.  As soon as Spring hits us and then Summer, look out.  I have been saying for the last year that this coming Summer is going to be a hot one.   I truly believe we will have major protests and possibly riots.

Then, especially if it’s a very hot Summer we could end up with things being so bad that the Big “O” will send in the new National Police force to implement Marshall Law. 

Sadly, the Tea Party and the Conservative Right, have hibernated for the Winter, and not done much, if anything.  I guess they think because they won the election the game was over.   It’s not that simple.  The game, and it is a game, to the Elitists in DC, they have a never-ending hunger for more Power and Money, and they will never be satisfied, no matter how much they have.

I don’t see any of them spreading their wealth.  That task is left for Middle America to do.  For the life of me I just don’t understand why Americans still don’t get it.  I know some of them do, but it’s not enough.  They all need to pay attention and the sad fact is that those who don’t pay attention don’t have the time because they are too busy trying to survive or stay afloat a little longer.  They just don’t realize why they aren’t getting anywhere.  It is almost to the point that those who are unemployed are so deep in debt that they will never be able to get out. 

Patriotic Americans need to Wake Up and Stand Up for their Constitutional rights.   It’s amazing to me how the leftist media and the Congress are for arming the rebels in Libya, because they stood up in a peaceful manner to get Qaddafi out of office, yet they call the Tea Party People who have stood up for their rights as Americans, racists, radicals, domestic terrorists and Nancy Pelosi’s favorite, astro-turf.  What hypocrites they truly are.   ss

What is the Biggest Problem facing Obama?

October 1, 2010

I understand in a town hall speech President Obama said something about the fact that the biggest problem He and the Dems face is the group, Americans for Prosperity. 

What I find really strange is that Obama would have the nerve to accuse any American of being this nations biggest problem, when it is very clear that the only problem America has is a President WHO:  

  1. Refuses to prove he was born here.
  2. Refused to wear the American flag pin when he was running for office.
  3. Sat in a church for over 20 years, claiming he had no clue that Rev. Wright was a Radical and basically hated America.
  4. Did not want his middle name used while campaigning “Hussien”.
  5. Apologized to the world because “HE DECIDED” that America has been arrogant to foreign countries.
  6. Twisted the arms and bullied Dems to vote for a Health Care Bill the majority of Americans did not want.
  7. Actually married a woman who was not ever proud of her country (until her husband happened to be elected President, that is).
  8. Called a Boston Cop, doing his job, Stupid (when he admittedly said, “ I wasn’t there so I don’t know what happened, but”.)  You know the rest.
  9. Hired Czars to oversee the Cabinet, and pay them our tax dollars when the majority of them are not qualified, and are Socialists, Marxists, and Radicals, and basically, not needed.
  10. Shut down drilling in the Gulf, and put more Americans out of work
  11. (This one is my opinion) claims that all the oil from the BP spill is out of the Gulf, and the fish are okay to eat.  Yet scientist say the Crude is on the bottom (where fish feed).   Well, I’m not a scientist, and I really feel sorry for the Fisherman, but I just can’t bring my self to buy fish, swimming in and eating their food mixed in and with crude oil.  Maybe we can sell them to China.
  12. Sued a Governor because she was trying to protect the citizens in her state.
  13. Continuously promotes racism.
  14. Has an agenda “I’m going to fundamentally change the foundation of America”, that he called “Change”, which he used to mislead the Americans.  Obama’s definition of “Change” in my mind is “Destroy”.

 I could go on, but hopefully more Americans will realize that this guy was never raised as an American, his most informative years were spent in Indonesia, where the largest segment of the population is Muslim. 

Therefore, he was never taught American values and ideals.  He was never taught to have pride in his country (if it actually is America.)  This upbringing in a Muslim country would certainly explain his constant need for acceptance from the Middle Eastern people. 

This fact should be apparent to all, yet the media has chosen not to mention this point   I never hear anyone discussing this fact, but I truly believe his allegiance is to the Muslim world and think his actions have proven that.  Growing up in a foreign country at such an informative age certainly does explain his condescending attitude towards the American people.

There is no way I will ever believe that he has America’s best interest at heart.  I do not believe that the President is a Patriot.  ss

“Survival of the Fittest” The American Peoples War

September 8, 2010

The “Survival of the Fittest” will it be the Politicians or the American people who elected them?

Well, there is much more to be done as far as DC is concerned and since the American people have finally gotten off their couches and are out in the real world getting involved in Politics, like the Tea Party groups, I can only say that they have a lot more work ahead of themselves, and almost no time to finish it in before the mid-term elections.

The government workers should not be in a union.  The government has taken excellent care of them, as most get paid more than their private industry counterparts.  My thought is that all unions in this country (and I know I will get lots of flack for this statement) should be eliminated.  I grew up in the auto capitol of the world and believe me unions at one time had a reason to exist, but not any longer.  Union paid jobs cannot compete with Asian jobs, where the employed only get a few dollars per day.  Americans will come out on the losing end every time.  If Americans have not realized it by now, the government and corporate America are leveling out the Global Economy starting with the worker bees from our country.  

The only thing the unions do today is pay for lobbyists and the candidates running for office.  They have the ear of this President and are constantly insisting on this or that, like having their insurance cover “Viagra” while school children are required to bring their own “Toilet paper” to school. 

Well, it is my opinion that unless somebody starts using their brains in this country and gets rid of the unions, then we will never have an economic recovery because we will have no manufacturing.  We just can’t afford it. 

The union people in power don’t have any common sense, or any loyalty to America, as a whole.  These union leaders live high off the hog, on the dues of their members.  They also make the decisions on whom or which candidate gets millions of union money when running for office.

When will Americans wake up?  If every American doesn’t start looking after himself and stop believing what every Tom, Dick, Harry and O’Bama says, then he may as well consider our country doomed.

There is a saying that many should start thinking about,  “The Survival of the Fittest”, well at this point the fittest are the fat cats and crooked Congressmen in DC. so ask yourself,  just  how is it that  they are making sure that they themselves survive? 

Well, Congress passes laws and then exempt themselves.    Congress doesn’t pay Social Security, and they vote for their own raises.  When they leave Congress they will be paid their salary for the rest of their lives.  Does anyone else get that Royal treatment from his employer?  The President fired a CEO in the private sector, then takes over the company and chooses the new CEO. 

The left in Congress smears the names of anyone who disagrees with them, (trying to put fear in the hearts of those who have had enough and want to speak out)  hoping to make them afraid to do so.

The left repeatedly blames Bush for all of America’s  financial woes,  (I was against the war) but the war was not the  problem.  Our problems  started in January of 1994 when Bill Clinton passed NAFTA (No one ever mentions that because the blame game is almost always played by the Democrats, and Bill Clinton is a Democrat).  It was Clinton who started the out-sourcing in mass, to China, India and other 3rd world countries, costing America millions of jobs, and the loss of our major manufacturing industry.   It is Bill Clinton, a Democrat, that is responsible for the millions of jobs lost in this country, due to American corporations moving their manufacturing overseas.   Yet the left continues to blame Bush, and today the President did it again, during his speech in Ohio.  Its time Americans start connecting the dots by using the right information. 

The President, our leader and his Congressional gang, along with the Unions are selling the rest of us down the river.  Their concern is only that they and their families have enough money and power to survive.

 They will survive.  Will you ??   ss

Obama: Divide and Conquer

August 11, 2010

“I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be President of the United States of America.”

Barack Obama, speech, Nov. 10, 2007 

How can a man who said these words, who professed himself to be the “One” who would unite America, end up doing just the opposite, and in a very big way.  I always believed that actions speak louder than words and yet, with Obama it has always, only been words.  Pretty words, sophisticated words, meaningful words, well written words, by someone else, words he has read, not words that he meant or words that he truly believed in and in the end, it has only been empty words, nothing more and nothing less; just words. 

I have compared the words, someone else’s word, that Obama has read in speeches, and though they have a certain meaning, a certain ring that cannot be ignored, those beautiful words, that so many rave about, I have concluded that they have no meaning for the man, President Obama, who claims to own them. 

I can sadly say I have seen the results, not of his words, but of his actions and have seen no proof that he has attempted to unite anyone who would normally disagree.  I have seen no effort on his part to unite, but have seen a deliberate, constant and on going attempt on his part to divide, and he does it well. 

So, I sat here today and just wrote “words” that in my opinion represent the actions that President Obama has used not to unite but to divide Americans.  He has, in my opinion, promoted hatred, racism, and distrust among the following:

 Black vs. White                                                          America vs. Israel

Haves vs. Have Nots                                                America vs. China

Gays vs. Straight                                                        Legals vs. Illegals

Hispanics vs. Whites                                                 Blacks vs. Hispanics

Overweight vs. Thin                                                  Socialism vs. Free Enterprise

Family vs. Family                                                      Jews vs. Arabs

Young vs. Old                                                              Muslims vs. Christians

Small Business vs. Big Business                            America vs. Britain

Unions vs. Non Union                                               Mexican Gov. vs. Arizona

Educated vs. Uneducated                                        States vs. States

Americans vs. Wall Street                                       Federal  Gov. vs. Arizona

Democrats vs. Republicans                                    Oil vs. Green Energy

Non-Global Warming vs. Global Warming       Democrats vs. Sarah Palin

Democrats vs. Glenn Beck                                       Democrats vs. Tea Partys

Democrats vs. Democrats                                       Fed. Judges vs. Voters

Good vs. Evil                                                               Obamacare vs. American People

He has pitted people against people, Americans against Americans, Religions against Religions, States against States and Countries against Countries.   He has actually done in the real world what most people only read about in books “Divide and Conquer”.  

There is one campaign promise he did keep, he definately brought “Change” to America!

My question is,  “What the hell are we going to do about it”?  ss

Obama Orders NASA Chief: Make Muslims Feel Good

July 12, 2010

When 911 occurred I wondered why our National Security system did not react or maybe it just didn’t see that 3 passenger planes took off from airports and then changed their flight plan and the direction they were flying in, mid air.   Evidently our Strategic Air Command (SAC) did not notice or were not notified. 

Now, I thought SAC was supposed to be on constant alert 24/7, capable of seeing any aircraft or missiles aimed at or flying near or over our shores into American air space, but evidently on 911, they didn’t see anything and didn’t react until after the fact. 

Under the circumstances, looking back at their mistakes, especially those of the air traffic controllers in Chicago (which has the East Coast area and the mid-west air space to oversee) would be more alert today, than ever, when looking for anything out of the ordinary, like some plane flying over the USA without a flight plan, and possibly being in the way of other occupied flight routes.

We have all heard the saying, “the more things change, the more they stay the same,” well I would like to know how Colton Harris-Moore, the “Barefoot Bandit” stole a private plane in Indiana, and flew it from near our Northern border  to our  over and past our Sourthern border in American air space, without the plane showing up on radar and without the knowledge of air traffic control. 

Why didn’t SAC send out Air Force jets to escort this plane down to the ground?  Instead it flew unnoticed by a kid (19 years old) who was never trained to fly, nor knew any laws regarding flying a plane in US air space, all the way to the Bahamas basically unnoticed by any air traffic control towers.

What if some terrorists (and they already have, you can be sure of that) came into the US over the unsecured border in the South, like for instance, into Arizona, and then continued on to some small airport that they had already staked out, stole a plane and used it as a missile and flew it into some building, or sprayed some chemical over populated areas, or just flew it into a passenger plane already in the air?

I find that this is an extremely serious national security matter, which evidently has not been addressed, and no one is talking about it.  Our national security was breached when this kid flew a plane a great distance over American territory, and no one noticed.

Just how safe is US air space?  You would think after 911, no one would be able to enter our air space without being identified or shot down, yet a 19 year old kid on a cross country spree of robberies, break-ins, and just plain pranks stole a plane not once but numerous times and no one noticed while he was air bound.  This kid could have been a terrorist, foreign or domestic, it doesn’t matter, he still flew over US air space without being noticed by authorities.  Who in the is running this show? 

With our Southern borders being crossed everyday by illegals, many of unknown origin, I find it disgraceful that our Congress, our Homeland Security Director, the DOJ and our President feel that our Southern border is as “secure as ever”.  They evidently have the same opinion of Air Traffic Control towers, and the Strategic Air Command Center. 

Yesterday, Colton Harris-Moore, the  “Barefoot Bandit” was caught, after a boat chase, in the Bahamas.   He has been on the run for nearly two years and has quite a following on You Tube and Face Book.  It appears that You Tube and Face book fans followed this kid on his mischievous quest, more than the FBI did.

With all our scientific advancements in the United States, it took police in a country definitely not as advanced as ours to catch Colton Harris-Moore, the “Barefoot Bandit.” 

If you want to go a step further, think about who finally caught Joran van der Sloot, the Dutch prime suspect in the murder of a young American teen in Aruba.  The FBI was hot on his trail, but not only allowed him to escape from the US, but also financed his escape before he ended up killing yet another young woman in Peru and escaped to Chili where he was finally apprehended.  I would consider Chili a third world country.  I may be politically incorrect, according to some politician, but my opinion stays the same.

Maybe it’s time that President Obama starts appointing people with leadership abilities, and who actually know something about the job that they are being appointed to, when he selects someone to head an agency like the FBI, the CIA and especially the Attorney General’s position and the Homeland Security Director’s position.

Just this past week NASA Chief, Charles Bolden was given a new assignment by none other than President Obama.  Bolden told the news media that  “Obama wanted me to make Muslims feel good”.  Bolden continued, “ he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering.”  Are you kidding me?

To make matters even worse Bolden has gone on TV Al Jazeera, Bin Laden’s favorite media source, to spread the President’s warm and heart-felt message to the Muslim world.  So, maybe this is the “Change” we were promised, only didn’t know it at the time.

I think it’s time for Obama to “Reach out and make Americans feel good about themselves, including not apologizing for us to the world”.  Now, that would be  “Change.”   ss

Governors With Guts! Christie, Jindal and Brewer

July 3, 2010

Well, I like Governor Christie of New Jersey.  I like a Politician that does what he says.  To help balance his states budget, his state Treasurer gave him 378 quick-freezes he could put thru and he did 375 of them.  Now, this is a guy who takes his job seriously and does it. 

Congratulations Governor Christie, you are a man of your word.  We need more Politicians like you.

I would like to also point out that there are a couple of more Governors out there that need mentioning.  One is Governor Bobby Jindal.  This guy has been out there with his constituents everyday, since the oil spill, which is about 75 days in a row, helping and doing what he can.  Now, that’s dedication.  He certainly deserves recognition.

And last but not least Governor Brewer of Arizona.  I mean this woman is really good.  I’m amazed that a Governor has taken on the crooked machine in DC, and even the President.

And she has been very straightforward in her criticism of Obama, and I love it.  She’s mad that he has not secured the border, and she’s right.  It is his sworn duty, his obligation, to make that border secure.

There are Americans being raped, kidnapped and murdered in Arizona by illegals, gunrunners, and Drug Lords and “He” (Obama) wants to sue her, and the state of Arizona.  It’s time he gets his priorities straight. 

I call for Impeachment!  He has basically destroyed this country and done it in a year and a half too.  It’s time for him to go.  He may (or May Not) have been born in the USA, I don’t know, because whether or not that Birth Certificate they show on the Internet is real (and I’m one of those who says it’s not) or not, he doesn’t act like an American.  Which should be a tell tale sign that he’s not. 

So, he can’t be Impeached until the Republicans replace 41 Representatives in the House, and gain a majority, so all I can do right now is pray that they do.

Then we can fix what he has broken.   ss

Mr. President, Secure Our Southern Border!

July 2, 2010

I got up early this morning.  I thought I would get an early start, go buy some groceries for a Fourth of July celebration that I’m having tomorrow, on the 3rd.  I thought I would prepare the food today, clean the house, and then relax tomorrow and enjoy our company. 

I happened to watch the news this morning, which is a daily habit of mine, and as usual, I’m upset again, about what I see and hear about Illegal Immigration and more importantly about the fact that President Obama still has not secured the Arizona border.

I am truly tired of hearing his campaign rhetoric about the comprehensive Immigration Legislation that he basically is demanding that Congress pass, and of course is blaming the Republicans (again) for not joining him and the House Democrats in passing this urgent (again) Legislation, which they undoubtedly will not read, even if it comes up for a vote.

Governor Brewer made a statement yesterday, and I happen to agree with her, that Americans are tired (so tired) of Obamas refusal to implement the Federal Immigration laws already on the books, to secure our Southern border.  She agrees with him that we need comprehensive Immigration legislation, as do many Americans, but right now, it is more important to cut off the illegal infiltration of our country by Drug Lords, Gun Runners, Rapists, Kidnappers, and Murderers.  This is an immediate and urgent matter, the lives of Americans are at stake, and the only thing he can say, is “I want immediate Immigration legislation passed”.   It’s always what “He wants”, never mind that 70% of the American public agree with Governor Brewer and the new Arizona Immigration bill. 

I am tired of Obamas repetitive speeches on what “He wants” all the time.   I am tired of this President’s constant immature behavior, his name-calling, and his threats to anyone who disagrees with him, and I’m just tired of him.   He is, in my opinion, by far, the most unprofessional example of a President this country has had the misfortune to have in the White House, and instead of representing the American people, chooses to impose his radical agenda on us all.  He deliberately ignores the fact that he is there to do our bidding, not his own. 

Just a side note here: Yesterday, just 12 miles over the border of Arizona, into Mexico, there was a battle between two Drug cartels, in which 21 people died.  This happened just Twelve miles away from the Arizona border.

The day before, a gun battle on the Mexican side of the border, sent bullets from AK47’s into the outside walls of a City Hall building on the American side of the border.

Last week along the border, in Arizona, the Federal government put up signs (on American soil) warning Americans to “go no further”, because that area has been taken over by the Mexican Drug Lords, and Americans could be killed.

Just how much land are you planning on returning to Mexico, Mr. President?  You keep saying that the border is as secure as it ever was.  Well, I don’t recall the last time that the United States of America, gave land back to Mexico. 

What are you waiting for Mr. President?  When will you start defending Americans on the home front by  “Winning the Hearts and Minds” of the American people?

Obama, Finally Waives the Jones Act

July 1, 2010

All of a sudden, Tuesday, day 71 of the oil spill, the White House waives the Jones Act, and will now, allow foreign ships into the Gulf to help with the oil spill cleanup.   Day 71, whatever happened to the days between the first day when Obama said he was on top of everything and day 70?  Remember on Day 38, Mr. Obama came out and said, “I have been on top of the situation since day 1.  We had a meeting”.  Wow, a meeting!  At that time he had never even met with the CEO of British Petroleum.  How can you be on top of everything and not talk to the CEO of BP? 

On day 3, 13 countries offered their help in cleaning up the oil spill, yet Obama told them we didn’t need any help.  For two month Governor Bobby Jindal has asked for booms, skimmers, and permission to build a burm out by the wetlands, and our inept Army Corps of engineers said (after almost a month and a half) after the request was submitted, that they thought this would be ecologically destructive to the wetlands.  I mean, really, are these people all there?  The oil will destroy the wetlands and every living organism living there.  What were these people thinking? 

Wasn’t it a week and a half ago when Obama told the American people, we could still eat the fish from the Gulf?  Oh, yes he did.  Now, if we wanted to, which there is no way in hell that I would eat the fish from the Gulf, but I wish he would have told us how we are supposed to get that fish.  Commercial fishing has been shut down in the Gulf.  Authorities have said that no one should even get the oil on their skin. 

Then the authorities have said that there are fumes coming from the oil that has been washed up on the beaches.  Now, with all these warnings of don’t touch, don’t breath it, tell me again, why would we still eat it, Mr. President?  

Then Obama comes out a week ago and says his self appointed group of experts that he appointed to advise him on the spill said that there should be a 6 month moratorium on drilling in the Gulf.   Soon after this announcement was made public, eight (8)of those same experts, on the committee said this was not true, that there wasn’t anything in the report that they signed and submitted to the President stating that there should be work stoppage or a moratorium on any drilling in the Gulf.  Obama lied!

Does anyone in DC or the News media even care about the fact that this moratorium is just Obama’s way of making sure that massive job losses in the oil, fishing, hotel, restaurant and other related businesses, due to the oil spill will be the incentive needed to push people into an emotional urge to demand an Energy bill be rushed thru Congress, just like every other bill they have passed this year?

Sadly, I have to say that I’m afraid that President Obama just doesn’t care about the damage to the Gulf and the land surrounding it, the wild life, or the jobs of the citizens that he’s supposed to be helping.  Nope, Obama only cares about getting his own way.

This moratorium will cost approximately 80,000 jobs.  It will cause businesses to shut down, more home foreclosures, and more people on unemployment.  The oil companies will move their rigs out of the Gulf to other locations around the world, and those rigs will be tied up for 5 to 6 years, before we can get them back. Which will be another way to push his agenda of an alternative energy bill. 

This is just more of the “Change” that Obama has bestowed on America. ss

Obama’s Blame Game Is Getting Old

July 1, 2010

Today I can hardly believe what I have seen and heard on the Cable News stations.  There is so much going on in DC that I can hardly stay on top of the news. 

First we have President Obama, in Wisconsin where there is, I believe, something like 14% unemployment, holding a town hall meeting (again) ripping apart (yet, again) another Republican.  This time it is a Senior House Republican John Boehner, and he  ridicules him for equating the financial legislation to “like killing an ant with a nuclear weapon”. 

This President refuses to take the blame for any mistake or wrongdoing, and has continuously blamed others for his incompetence.  Everything has been Bush’s fault, unless he can find someone else to blame things on. 

His modus operandi is the “bait and switch” mentality, and he’s pretty damn good at it.  According to Obama, nothing has been his fault since he was sworn into office,  if you can imagine that.

Then Obama continues, in his own unique way of sucking the public into his version of what he wants Americans to believe is the truth, by yelling out to the crowd, as he continues to refer to Congressman Boehner “that this is the same financial crisis that led to the loss of nearly 8 million jobs ( on Obama’s watch).   The same crisis that cost people their homes and their life savings” and then he says “He (Boehner) can’t be that out of touch with the struggles of American families”. 

OMG, can this man be for real?  Wasn’t it Obama that promised 2 million jobs to the unemployed if he could just get his stimulus package passed?   Wasn’t it Obama who at the beginning of the year said, that the stimulus bill actually saved jobs, and created jobs, and that the economy has turned around?  But now it’s a different story because people are finally waking up and realizing that the economy is not recovering.

Before the recession started, we had already lost 7.7 million jobs in this country due to outsourcing.  Since it began and since Obama has been at the helm we have not created the 2 million jobs, that he promised would be created if we backed him and his Stimulus bill, instead we lost 8 million more.  Not only that, but the Dow has been on shaky ground, and dropped over two hundred points the other day, and he says  House Rep. John Boehner is out of touch.  I think the only person overwhelmingly out of touch is the President.

Now, for months Joe Biden, the overseer of the Stimulus money being paid out, has told the American people that we are on the road to recovery.   

 Then Monday, in a speech, Mr. Biden who has claimed how successful the Stimulus package was, came out and basically said, hey, all you unemployed Americans, we have lost 8 million jobs since the recession started, and the bottom line is that they’re not coming back.  And as though that news wasn’t bad enough, Congress came out and said, “We aren’t going to extend unemployment again”. 

These people just keep on giving.   ss

McChrystal’s “Walk of Shame”

June 23, 2010

 General Stanley McChrystal, the top guy, the U.S. Commander and Strategist for the Afghan War, after being summoned to DC, by the White House with his resignation in hand,  awaits his one on one meeting with President Obama.   The controversy is over an article that appeared in  Rolling Stone magazine, where  McChrystal and his aides mocked the National security team and critisized Obama over their stance (or lack thereof) concerning the Afghan War.

McChrsytal is expected to endure the “Walk of Shame” by first having  an initial meeting with the Defense Secretary Robert Gates at the Pentagon, then head over to the White House and have a sit down with Obama, and then meet with the administration officials in the Situation Room.  His future is uncertain. 

It is my opinion that he will be replaced and that this appearance at the White House is more of a “Walk of Shame”  before he is relieved of duty.   It is a well known fact that Obama cannot tolerate ANY critisism (as Jack Nicholson put it in the movie A Few Good Men when he said “You can’t handle the Truth” of his performance, by anyone, so this man’s fate is definitely already decided.


It was just announced that McChrystal has been relieved of duty ( the media keeps repeating “relieved”) not that he resigned, because the White House (who is in bed with the media) wants to give the impression, even if not true, that McChrystal was “fired” and didn’t resign. Obama must always have the upper hand publically.

It is a sad day for this country when the reputation of a man of  McChrystal’s long, heroic and patriotic  service to this country is wiped out by a man who never served in the military, was never vetted and was not qualified to be President in the first place.

 The news media will not remind the public about the fact that McChrystal requested soldiers last year in order to carry out his mission successfully and that Obama (as usual) waited and waited to respond to the General even though McChrystal at the time said he needed these soldiers ASAP if we were to win the war.  Instead Obama took, I believe 2 months before ever responding to the General’s request, and then he gave him 30,000 troops instead of the 40,000 he requested, and it took another 4 months for them to get there.

McChrystal as the top General of the military forces in Afghanistan, certainly earned the right to be upset, having to wait for a response, while trying to do the impossible, for a group of unqualified administrative officials, and President Obama, most of whom, never served their country in the military, to make up their minds,  about his increase in troops request.

 Obama and his group of administration officials set dead lines for progress and ending the war and bringing the troops home, yet Obama took his good old time giving McChrystal the tools (troops) he needed to perform the job.

 It is too bad that the message in Rolling Stone magazine was overlooked, just because it’s Politically incorrect  for a military man to point out the Presidents incompetance, when in fact, that is all he has displayed since taking in office.

As I write this the President is giving another speech on TV.  It seems that is the only thing he is good at: reading the teleprompter.  This is just one more opportunity for  Obama  to be Presidential and keep the man who came up with the plan to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan,  in charge of the Afghan War.  But, his groupies, the Dems in the House wanted this man out, claiming it would show weakness if the President did not relieve him of duty.   His weakness is that he can’t make a decision on his own.

I believe it would have shown strength if he had kept McChrystal on the job, after having a one on one meeting with him and disgussing their differences.  Sadly, Obama can not see his own biggest weakness, which is his “High Regard” for “Himself”.

As I listen to his speech I hear him say that “He” just can’t tolerate division in the ranks”. Obama said he welcomes debate but won’t tolerate division.  Is he kidding?  He has done nothing but divide every aspect of our country, and every group of Americans (The Tea Party people), including “blacks and whites” (when he called Boston’s,  White Police officer’s actions stupid,when he detained Obama’s  Harvard friend, Gates) and how about the hatred he has promoted between American citizens and Mexican citizens and illegal Mexicans. 

I believe Obama will go down in history as the “Divider”.  As for the fact that he welcomes “Debate”  I don’t think so.  He and the Democrats in the House have done nothing but relentlessly and publically “slice and dice” anyone (Gov. Brewer, Sen. Barton, BP CEO Tony Hayward, and even Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers) who has disagreed with them. 

This is truly a sad day in America, because after repeated incompetance by the White House, and Congress,  many Americans still don’t see it.  ss